Since I started visiting this board some few months ago and determining a number of posters with whose perspective I can especially identify as a result of my and my family's own experience(s) as long-time JWs, your observations have been and continue to be among those I most anticipate---for 3 distinct reasons:
1) They, without exception, vividly and achingly evoke sentiments and recollections, with documentation, that only JWs and JWs "cultivated" in a particular kind of JW environment can. I know that at least part of your JW "upbringing" was under the tutelage of Brothers, Sisters J.C. Howard, Robert P. Johnson, Samuel Herd and other prominent African American COs/DOs and their wives as was my husband's and my own (a dozen years before you, though) and in predominantly black congregations, which have their own unique kind of culture even within the organization---I could speak volumes to this but will resist.
The subject of your post in this thread is yet one more example of the above.
2) Your unflinchingly honest and often self-deprecating appraisal of the WT world view and ambitions of an admitted whole-hog company man is refreshing and rings so exceedingly authentic. My former-Bethelite husband and I were on the fast track until his wife started grappling with some serious bouts of WTF???.
3) And finally, young brother, you do so thoroughly crack me up. Everything from your use of urban dialect for emphasis (y'all remember that point on the speech counsel slip I know) to your perfect sense of irony and biting sarcasm. Exhibit A:
Notice this quote:The evidence is that Jesus’ prophecy will shortly have a major fulfillment
Who has determined what constitutes "Evidence" THE LAPD Crime LAB?
<spewing brandy> Too, too funny. Just one of the literally dozens that sprinkle your accumulation of posts.
On the serious, JT: What you've spotlighted in this post is no inconsequential deprivation by any stretch of the imagination, and I don't wish to suggest so, but I will offer one other in a cafeteria menu of regrets endured by those who followed the "light" of the WTS that might, just might, be even more tragic than the emptiness of children never born. That would be the heartbreak of a family of estranged parents and children and grandparents and grandchildren all a result of a heartless and ignorant, to mention nothing of unscriptural, "disfellowshipping" policy.
God have mercy on us all and my very best to you and your bride, Brother JT. Thanks for another post.
-AMNESIAN, the proudly forgetful hearer