Yes.. I am also very cultured. I enjoy hiking, working out, long walks on the beach, and making fun of the "Revelation" book. My biggest turn offs are elders and false prophecys.
OMG!!! That is too funny!!
wew, well my divorce is, as of today and what a long hard road it has been, and unfortunatly more hardships are to come, since we have a child together.
my ex tried to delay it just yesterday by faxing a sloppy handwritten note to the judge, to tell him he couldnt make it because he doesnt have a license,(suspended for dwi) and hasnt attended any of the hearings at all.
he owes me over $5,000 for child support (deadbeat dad).
Yes.. I am also very cultured. I enjoy hiking, working out, long walks on the beach, and making fun of the "Revelation" book. My biggest turn offs are elders and false prophecys.
OMG!!! That is too funny!!
lets talk about sex or something funny.
or just make fun of scholar or something.
What's the Memorial??
let's face it, it seems like a simplification of the df process as many of you have already mentioned.. within the 6 million or so jw worldwide, there has to be a good number of ppl that are on the fringes of being dfed.
in the past, it took time to technically df these ppl because of the no-shows at judicial hearings and appeals.
also dfing a person can be delayed when no actual proof can be provided of the sin committed.
When somebody disassociates it creates much more of a buzz amongst the R&F than a regular disfellowshiping. Now everyone can just speculate that the person has become a fornicating satanic crack-head and feel okay about it.
I think GBL's got it. During my time in the borg, I have never had a single person dissociate themselves, and I'm pretty sure that would have made me think about what would cause someone to leave the "truth". The only other thing that could cause me to think twice about the truth would be if a massive amount of people were df'ed. From as far as I can remember, people were always disfellowhipped, and the members of the congregation always thought of them as "weak" or just fornicators. Now that there will be no distinction, it will look like it's "discipline" coming from god, and it's unlikely the regular r&f publishers will think twice about it.
why can't jehovah witnesses go to the school prom?
i have always wondered this.
So they shouldn't go because of the worldy things?? JW can't play on school sports teams?? Why is that? I dont understand that one.
There are two main "reasons" why JWs can't play on sports teams:
1) Again, because of the wordly association. They base that idea on 1 Cor. 15: 33 which says that bad company spoils useful habits. And in this case bad company = anyone not a JW, and useful habits = meeting attendance and preaching selling books for the WTS publishing company.
2) The second reason is that they say that playing sports competitively encourages the spirit of competition which is bad for some reason
I'm sure someone here will be able to elaborate more on the second reason. I hope this helps
edited to add: Welcome to JWD!!! What brings you here today?
why can't jehovah witnesses go to the school prom?
i have always wondered this.
Because they want their members to be socially isolated. "There might be drugs. There might be sex. There might be... WORLDY ASSOCIATION!!!!!!!! Would a Christian go to a prom?" And so on.
LOL....yeah, that takes me back to my teenage years. Basically, like the_classicist said, JWs are encouraged ordered by the WTS to have minimal contact with anyone who is not a JW because they might be a bad influence on them since they don't serve the same god. That rules out pretty much all social activities like dances, playing on school sport teams, being part of a club at school etc...
oh how i have missed you all!!!!!!!!!!!
i have moved back to dallas and have a computer of my own finally!!
i am not online as of yet...but will be very soon!!
Hey, welcome back Jesika!!
I hope things are goign well for you. Hope to hear more from you soon.
anyone here planning on playing it?
at first, for the first few days i played was like every other mmorpg out there.
a storyline that follows after the matrix movies is evolving...and its really good.
Well right now...ive got a Pentium 4 3.0ghz with 512mb dual channel pc3200, geforce 6600GT...and right now..its a tad slow...
anyone here planning on playing it?
at first, for the first few days i played was like every other mmorpg out there.
a storyline that follows after the matrix movies is evolving...and its really good.
Hey Lostreality,
What kind of system specs are required to run the game?
ok i am a 16 year old female i love with a 16 year old male.
lol that sounds funny since everyone thinks a 16 year old can't be in love.
i understand why but let's face it now a days anything is possible.
To echo what's being said he a baptized witness?? And there are many factors involved as well. If he's baptized and he just leaves the religion without dissociating himself, then technically his parents won't shun him. If he dissociates himself, or he gets disfellowshipped, then as soon as he moves out of the house, his family is supposed to shun him and the only reason they would be allowed to have contact with him would be for family emergencies. But it depends on how much the parents believe into the religion. Some will follow whatever the organization says to the letter, while other parents tend to be more lenient, and will still keep contact with their kids even if they are disfellowshipped or dissociated.
this is an in-depth look at the new dvd released this fall.
it is primarily designed for young jehovah?s witnesses; in fact, the whole dvd is geared towards witness youth only.. .
on the front cover there are 8 happy youths carrying school books and bags.
I saw the dvd a few weeks ago. Just the thought of it is nauseating.
And definitely, the thing that is really evident in this production is the amount of guilt it attempts to create inside young people. They want to eliminate any possible dreams that the youth might have in an attempt to create an army of drones that will serve the corporation.