Thank you Doug,
This document seems well written. Would you agree if i translate it in french and post it on my website ?
the governing body and its watchtower society claims that in 1919 it was appointed by jehovah god and jesus christ to represent all of their earthly kingdom interests, to be their unique voice and sole representative towards all people on earth.
the watchtower’s authority lives or dies with that claim..
the society’s critical date of 1919 is calculated from the dates of events in the 6th century bce.
Thank you Doug,
This document seems well written. Would you agree if i translate it in french and post it on my website ?
circuit overseer guidelines (tg-e) october 2015.
this is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
Hello Truthexplorer,
Since I left I joined an evangelical Baptist church in France. After reading all the New Testament in a few days I decided to go visit the churches around my home. This one was the first I visited and I immediately felt that I was in the right place. They don't judge you, they are not dogmatic and being protestant they actually love exegesis. Moreover I find them really open-minded and very close to what I imagine of the first christians doctrines and practices.
They don't say they are the only people of God or they are "true christians" but they simply see themselves like christians before any other denomination.
Good luck to you !
i did some reverse domain lookups to see what web domains were linked to watchtower.
i did reverse lookups on the hostmaster address, building address, and phone number.
i've sorted and deduplicated the results..
hehe they won't have ("verite" = "truth" in french)
My website is on first page of Google France when searching "". Very effective !
continued from part 1 (
the nw translation and some of its unique renderings, like john 1.1- "a god," and colossians 1.16 - "all other things," have been consistently at the top of the most debated topics here in this forum and elsewhere from the beginning.
the anger felt by detractors of the nwt rendering of john 1.1 (a god) has diminished considerably if compared to the furious debates surrounding the verse that raged on during the 1950 thru 1970s.
And am I supposed to accept based on your reasoning that "the firstborn from among the dead" meant Jesus was the first one to be dead ? No of course ! The first one to be resurrected ? Neither....
The verse explains itself :
And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.
The point is not to be the first one chronologically but to be the "preeminent", to have the "first place" (greek proteuo)
continued from part 1 (
the nw translation and some of its unique renderings, like john 1.1- "a god," and colossians 1.16 - "all other things," have been consistently at the top of the most debated topics here in this forum and elsewhere from the beginning.
the anger felt by detractors of the nwt rendering of john 1.1 (a god) has diminished considerably if compared to the furious debates surrounding the verse that raged on during the 1950 thru 1970s.
@Wonderment thank you for your reply
jw-verite: The problem with adding "other" in Colossians is that it contradicts all other scriptures saying that ALL things where created by Jesus. So Jesus could not create himself could he? Cf. John 1:2; 1:10; 1 Co 8:6; Heb 1:2 In all these verses there is no "other". If everything was created by Jesus then Jesus was not created. As simple as that...
First,thank you for your input. It is appreciated.
The Scriptures that you mentioned (Cf. John 1:2; 1:10; 1 Co 8:6; Heb 1:2) do not literally say that Jesus is "the Source" of creation. They indicate that Jesus was "the mediator" of creation. Notice those Scriptures carefully make use of the Greek prepositions "dia" ("through him") instead of "ex" ("out of" him) when referencing Jesus' role in creation. Is this significant?Newman & Nida, two scholars (Trinitarians) who worked closely with the American Bible Society, observe:
“The Greek phrase through him indicates that the Word was the agent in creation, but at the same time the context clearly implies that God is the ultimate source of creation …Similar expressions are found in Paul's writings and in the Letter to the Hebrews … The Greek text indicates clearly that the Word was the instrument or agency employed by God in the creation.” (A Translator's Handbook on the Gospel of John, Newman & Nida, p. 10.)
Jesus serving the role of "mediatorship" in the process of creation is not biblically depicted as offensive. (1 Tim. 2.5, Christ: "one mediator between God and men") On the contrary, Scripture states that Jesus is "the firstborn of all creation"; "the beginning of the creation of God." (Col. 1.15; Rev.3.14) Hence, "all" living creatures (excluding God) in the universe are commanded to "bow down" before Christ. (1 Cor. 15.27; Hebrews 1.6) These Scriptures rather than contradicting the explained view in the article, they support it. If Jesus as "mediator" is someone other than "God and men," why would "God" then not be "theSource of creation" instead of Jesus? The Scriptures do make a difference between God and Christ: "Christ is seated at the right hand of God." (Col. 3.1) Why is "God" always, and not Christ, at the center of it all?
I agree with you but the fact that Jesus is Mediator does not prove that He has been created. Did God need to create His own Word ? I don't think so. His Word is intimately linked to Him, in Him.
Look at Genesis 1, how did God create all things ? "God said...", "God said...", "God said..." so this is the way He created all things, by his own Word !
Psalms 33:6 : "By the word of Jehovah the heavens were made"
Psalms 33:9 : "For he spoke, and it came to be"
Relate this with John 1 and Colossians 1 and you can understand what I mean.
So I think that the Word of God belongs to him from all eternity. It is part of Him. It didn't need to be created. Note that we can use the same reasoning with the "wisdom" of Proverbs 8.
Concerning the "first born of all creation", the greek word "arche" does not necessarily imply a creation but is related to the position of superiority or "leadership" of Jesus over the creation.
Verse 18 tends to confirm this by saying : "And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy." (NIV)
jw-verite: In all these verses there is no "other". If everything was created by Jesus then Jesus was not created. As simple as that...
This statement could suggest that God is "powerless" to employ a dear one close to him in the process of creation, if he so wishes. Isn't he almighty? God can imbue anyone he wishes with lofty powers. As noted in the article, the "everything" does not require biblically speaking, that Jesus himself was excluded from being created. Christ is "the beginning ofthe creation of God." Not the ""beginner." (Rev. 3.14) Christ is ‘of creation.’ Even Jesus said that ‘God created the first human pair.’ (Matt. 19.4) He could say that because he acknowledged "God" is the source of it all. In fact, Jesus own existence was due to God. In John 6.57, he states: "I live because of the Father." An "eternal" creator would never issue those words. Would he?
This is pure speculation. The Word of God lives because of God that seems logical but as said before this does not imply that God needed to create his own Word.
(excuse my english but i'm French )
continued from part 1 (
the nw translation and some of its unique renderings, like john 1.1- "a god," and colossians 1.16 - "all other things," have been consistently at the top of the most debated topics here in this forum and elsewhere from the beginning.
the anger felt by detractors of the nwt rendering of john 1.1 (a god) has diminished considerably if compared to the furious debates surrounding the verse that raged on during the 1950 thru 1970s.
The problem with adding "other" in Colossians is that it contradicts all other scriptures saying that ALL things where created by Jesus. So Jesus could not create himself could he ?
Cf. John 1:2; 1:10; 1 Co 8:6; Heb 1:2
In all these verses there is no "other".
If everything was created by Jesus then Jesus was not created. As simple as that...
just having a quick read through, the findings are damning.
mr toole is being reported to the law society of australia.... a few highlights so far:.
Wow !
Very good !
just let me say, i hate the gray bible.
when i read the revision of mal 3:10 and they included tithing, i almost vomited.
recently though, my invalid mother asked me to read to her and the only thing available was the gray bible.
Cross reference between 1 Thess 4:15-17 and Matthew 24:29-31 has also disappeared... To hide that the "parousia" is a future event and has not happened in 1914
at the australian royal commission (yes, that again), watchtower rock star pope, his holiness wacko jacko was asked by angus (my new hero) stewart the following:.
angus stewart q. and do you see yourselves as jehovah god's spokespeople on earth?
his holiness replied: a. that i think, would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that god is using.
Maybe the pope François ??