< agree with most of what has been said on this thread, except that the figures are greatly exaggerated.>
You either misread or are misinformed. Read it again, or disagree. Facts are facts.
the october 1 watchtower 2001 features articles on training children "properly" and dealing with a "prodigal child.
the latest inside u.s. figures reveal that 86% of jw children leave the fold, with some 29% who eventually come back for reasons of family ties, most never "reaching out.
" that means over half leave permanently.
< agree with most of what has been said on this thread, except that the figures are greatly exaggerated.>
You either misread or are misinformed. Read it again, or disagree. Facts are facts.
the october 1 watchtower 2001 features articles on training children "properly" and dealing with a "prodigal child.
the latest inside u.s. figures reveal that 86% of jw children leave the fold, with some 29% who eventually come back for reasons of family ties, most never "reaching out.
" that means over half leave permanently.
<Methinks the problems of the Watchtower are exaggerated. There methodology clearly produces growth, this is an undisputed fact.>
No, Larc is correct on this. Their growth has been dismal, and insiders know it all too well. As to the child abuse issue going over the heads of 95% of the Witness audience for Dateline, that could be true because they will want to hear only good things and drown out the bad.
The American public will see a vastly different picture of what is not just your Aunt Matilda's kookie religion that wakes you up by a knock on the door once in awhile. I bet it will be put up on Internet sites as an accessible program too. Can you hear Jay Leno talking about JW pedos? Or other late night show hosts?
There are huge problems in Germany and France right now, and you can forget growth in Japan, once a shining example to the rest of the world in terms of evangelistic growth. They are banking on the Ministerial Training Schools coming up to regroup and retrench.
public affairs office.
for immediate release august7, 2001 .
sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims.
: Like any organization, religious or otherwise, there are bad and there are good people.
: Unfortunately, bad news travels more quickly and nobody likes to pass along good rumors.
Robdar, you miss the point. What you say is obvious; we know that.
The argument we have is against Watchtower policy. Child molestation needs to be lifted out of the arena of judicial proceedings. Period. No one is talking about rumor, we are speaking of facts. Welcome, but read the threads and become informed.
Haven't you folks learned of cases in which molested ones were DFd because they did not scream? Was foolishly treated as rape.
my sister and i just got back from ritzville.
i know i'll ever be the same after my experience there.
it made me feel good to hear the click of the handcuffs, and watch the officers remove him from the courtroom.. i want to say to erica, you and your family are heroes!
: Was the man disfellowshipped from the congregation?
: Was Erika asked to testify in the case?
Humble, you have not read anything about this case or you are playing dumb. The idea was to support Erika in her testimony, since JWs jeered her previously, JWs called her a slut and JWs threatened to kill her at her last court appearance.
Of course she testified and had to relive the horror all over again. He did not confess to the elders and the JW-required two witnesses were not sufficient to DF the molester. He'll be sentenced by Caesar, as he should be. Another publisher in prison, without the DF. When he is out, by your JW policy he may if he SEEMS repentant even become an elder. That's a fact, as shown in letters to BOE.
You should apologize for the ugly policy not people who stupidly follow it. That cavalierly palms it off on imperfect men who rape children. Apologize for the code of silence that has ruined people's lives. The Child Blood Abuse policy kills them.
Wise up. I have little sympathy for you.
i've just been back from a months holiday.
nice to see that this site is still very active!.
a jw friend would like to read tha actual wts press release where it says that don adams is tha naw wts president.. i searched jw-media.org for her but did not find it.
Duhh. Red-faced, I confess not to looking at the small print lately.
You are right, the inside magazine cover shows the copyright held by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of PA, but publisher is Watchtower of New York, Inc. Max Larson was for many, many years the Factory Servant/Overseer and has the title of Pres of the NY corp.
I knew that but I had forgotten that Milton Henschel was president of BOTH NY and PA corps. His name was on the magazine inside cover. Adams is pres of the PA corporation and runs the Executive office in Brooklyn.
Ooops, sorry.
i would like to preface my discussion of the recently filed berry lawsuit with several remarks.
first, i am not an attorney, and my only connection with the legal profession is that which occasionally arises out of my personal or business affairs.
second, i have no access to court records, opinions, etc., other than what is available via internet search engines.
: : State courts may not interfere in matters concerning religious doctrine or organization.
That statement stands out like a beacon.
I don't find the quote readily, but I think what Max said was, that Rees was "deader than a doornail" because 'simplistically speaking' or 'in essence' you can't sue a church in that state and the SSC could not by statute advance it to the Supreme Court. Not that the Supreme Court rejected it. It was not a "loss." He deferred to Rees attorney Waxman for details.
I'm going back and re-reading this since you picked up Hawk. There are some real nuggets in this.
i would like to preface my discussion of the recently filed berry lawsuit with several remarks.
first, i am not an attorney, and my only connection with the legal profession is that which occasionally arises out of my personal or business affairs.
second, i have no access to court records, opinions, etc., other than what is available via internet search engines.
: State courts may not interfere in matters concerning religious doctrine or organization. (From the court record above)
Isn't that essentially what Maximus has been saying?
Hawkaw, thank you v e r y much for this most helpful thread.
i have been reading a lot about the lawsuits against local congregations and the wts regarding sexual abuse, and how it is perceived that the organization actually shields the abuser.. well, in many cases, this is true.
i don't believe that it is true in all.
but, my point for this post is that these lawsuits brought forward will acutally be good for jws.. why?
: I do not believe that the policies of the WTS are to shield the abuser
Please take the time to read the many threads here on the subject. Many of them are very well informed. There are very enlightened policies in effect in "Christendom" that should be adopted by JWs; it seems the light got brighter for them before Watchtower.
WTS claims to be directed by God. If so, God's policies of two witnesses are seen to be unenlightened, its entire judicial process a failure. The code of silence in God's organization is seen to produce rotten fruits, ruining lives in the process. Elders live in a culture that dictates they should NOT report and should investigate every tiny detail about the crime.
The Society's policies on Child Blood Abuse (CBA) kills innocent children by letting them bleed to death.
People may change their attitude, but do not miss the point: the Society is being led kicking and screaming to a change of policy. It is not voluntary by any means. They are going to point to the lawsuits as evidence of persecution by "opposers of the preaching work." It will not be acknowledged as the passionate work of reformers who post on this board.
Welcome eyebrow!
i've just been back from a months holiday.
nice to see that this site is still very active!.
a jw friend would like to read tha actual wts press release where it says that don adams is tha naw wts president.. i searched jw-media.org for her but did not find it.
Look to the inside cover of The Watchtower, down at the bottom, with publisher information. That is as official as it gets.
You'll find the name there. Easier than dredging up some press release, which probably didn't happen anyway.
i pulled this out of the "berry case evaluated" thread so my questions would not be overlooked:.
i just want to make sure i fully understand, as stated here as fact, that judah schroeder was never, is or ever will be, in any way, shape or form, a "representative" or "director" for any part of the wtbts; no matter what corporate name you call them.. what has he done and/ or what were his "duties"?.
please, a history of the man, if you will.. in appreciation, skally
sKally, you are forcing something that is not there.
You have read on this board that JW reps try to present JWs in the best possible light, as they did in this opportunity at a "briefing," attempting to show that poor JWs are mistreated in Russia along with other minorities. That was part of the Public Affairs department of the Society that has now been revised to be J. R. Brown the spokesman. Schroeder was not part of a "team," which included a rep from the Sierra Club! He was just one of those who presented information at that briefing.
No, Schroeder was not a director of the Watch Tower Society of PA, the Watchtower of NY, Watch Tower of Britain, the Christian Congregation. I do not have the links but names of directors have been made public on this board and likely are on Randy's site.
If some obscure press release calls him a director of information relating to international JW interests or the like, it means just that and nothing more.
I say again you can verify this by one phone call and so can anyone who reads this.
This is my final word.