Somehow I can´t throw hee something that has bothered some years. -88 I was planning travel from Finland to U.K with my oldest son, he was on that time under 3. I was still namely in "truth", and had some jt-friends in U.K to visit. Once when I called to friend near London, he was not at home, but his old mother was. And I somehow did notice that something was wrong,, she said i ought to have extra paper from my wife that I can travel with my son. Naturally I said, that (on that time its was so in Finland , mother could have child name on passport, but father did had to have wife signiture) I son name is on my passport with her promise. Then I some bells did start to ring, and lol I took quite a long time, before she could say that some friend in their congrigation have been wondering that how can father travel with little child. I said,, well he was 1 year, and sife was at work,, I did travel with car almost 400 miles to north to see mother- and father-in-law. so of course there is no porblems. Still she did insist I have a accident or something problem wiht police, I can prove that son is leagelly on my custody. And finally she said they have had programme on U.K television about children abuse, and that specially fathers are one doing it.. of course she did continue, that cause don´t doubt you are christian.
Anyway , i did call to Helsinki U.K embassy and asked , that do I need exstra paper from my wife to prove that I have legal right to travel with my son. The officer there said that, nonsence they have made
bee from fly,, you dont need,, just of course you can´t leave child from sight.. We travelled 3 weeks around the U.K,, lol on problem was eating.. he did prefer much fish&chips than baby food I had with me. Some might remember april -may -89 how heinz company was blackmailed , and lonitic couble did put some pieces of glass, needles and some other things on the babyfood. But we did not have any problems,, well maybe I, did start smoking on that trip continious. :)
Dont´t mean to accuse, but why would they have been so concerning, christian father traveling with son,, if something has not happened before....