I found it at a local Barnes&Noble. They'll order it for you and contact you when it arrives should you not see it on the shelf. It's worth it...
Good luck!
i have read on here over and over how great crisis of conscious is, but i can't find it anywhere.
i have tried to order it from both hastings and barnes & nobel, but neither of them can get it.
they have tried to order it for six weeks now with no luck.
i have been df for a nummber of years now and have recently been doing research via the web for the past few weeks.
mostly because my new husband has been also doing his own research because i have been saying for years i want to go back, but never have and he had questions about the religion that he didnt understand.
the only time i ever go to the hall is for the memorial.
Thank you Mystery for you comments. However I didn't metion the fact that I suffered a miscarriage a few months later. But your comments do make me think twice on how I would raise my furture children.
On with others comments on Franz book "Crisis of Conscience", my husband and I have been reading this book together the last 2 days and have found what we've read so far to be very enlightening on the organization.
i have been df for a nummber of years now and have recently been doing research via the web for the past few weeks.
mostly because my new husband has been also doing his own research because i have been saying for years i want to go back, but never have and he had questions about the religion that he didnt understand.
the only time i ever go to the hall is for the memorial.
i have been df for a nummber of years now and have recently been doing research via the web for the past few weeks.
mostly because my new husband has been also doing his own research because i have been saying for years i want to go back, but never have and he had questions about the religion that he didnt understand.
the only time i ever go to the hall is for the memorial.
I have been df for a nummber of years now and have recently been doing research via the web for the past few weeks. Mostly because my new husband has been also doing his own research because I have been saying for years I want to go back, but never have and he had questions about the religion that he didnt understand. The only time I ever go to the hall is for the memorial. My eyes have now been opened to a lot of things never really explained in detail. I am now at a cross roads. I dont know if I sould return or not. I relate to a lot of the postings here, but still have a fear that if I dont return I will die at armageddon. My husband says this is because I was scared into thinking this from a young age. My background:
I was df for getting pregnant and even my own mother threated to turn me in if I didnt tell the brothers. I feel as though I was df unfairly. The brothers said to me "What would the other young ones in the cong. think if nothing happened to you?" I feel as thought they were trying to make an example out of me. I know a lot of people in the other congs. (who were elders children) that didnt get df for the same thing I did. Ever since then my mother has been making me feel guilty for being out for so long. Telling about all the people in my family that have gotten reinstated and how she never thought I would be out for so long. She even told me she wasnt coming to my wedding because I was df. So we got married by ourselves because I didnt want to face the questions of why my parents werent there. I always thought I wanted to return but after doing a lot of reading here and at other sites Im not so sure. 1st I dont ever remember being taught that the religion was started by Russell in the late 1800s. I remember hearing about him at assemblys but thats about it. I always thought it was the religion that was around in bible times. And then tonight I was reading up on the member of the governing body that wrote a book and it has me even further confused.
My question is do you still believe some of the teachings, and do you fear dying at armageddon if you dont return???