Thanx, I have a friend (non-JW) that also tells me to put this whole JW thing off for a while but this has helped me a lot and I have met very close friends. About my ex, I am still attatched, we were together for a long time and he was my first love. Besides that he alwyas told me that we would be together forever, that he didn't get into this relationship to see it come to an end, we had our WEDDING planned, out kid's names, where we were going to live, he promised he would never leave me, he promised he would never stopped loving me, but he did. It was, IS, heartbreaking for me. After we broke up I didn't eat for three days straight, I couldn't sleep so I had to take sleeping pills, and I lost 10 pounds in one week, and I went a little psychotic.....I know how pathetic this sounds but I was REALLY in love with him, and I still am, probably just with the memory of him now, he's become a complete stranger to me. It's so hard for me to see him at the kingdom hall and shake his hand and now that he's not mine, I can't just be his friend. We had the perfect love story and that's why its so hard for me to let go. It's as is Romeo had told Juliet, "you know, I think I'll try my luck elsewhere." Its been over four months, in which we've talked, argued, had intimacy about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but then he told me that it was just old feelings, so now I'm completely miserable and disillusioned. I'm sorry I went off like this, but yes I am still very attatched....
JoinedPosts by lazuli
I haven't been baptized yet. I've been getting study for nine months and I go to the wed and sun meeting and I'm going to start going to the book study soon. My parents have always heard that the JWs are a cult and that they're going to brainwash me and ask me for money, plus the fat that kept it hidden from my mom for so long makes her see it as if the JWs were taking her daughter away
By the way, that link didn't work
Thanx for all your posts. I was having doubts about the truth, and then one pf the elders from the congregation died and his funeral was las night, after going there I realized that this was th truth and I shouldn't doubt it. I have been getting so much pressure from my parents because my mom is completely against thi, she's threatened to kick me out and well our relationship has completely detiriorated, but then again it wsn't that good to begin with. My dad is also very disappointed in me but he really doesn't know anything about the Jehovah's Witnesses so his view is very stereotypical. I'm not going to stop going to the kingdom because this has been the one thing that has brought me absolute inner peace and I've never a closer union than that of the JWs. I just feel so pressured now and it kills me to see that my familiy is so disappointed in me. I feel very lost beause everyone around me is putting so much pressure about this. About my ex-bf, I see him at the kingdom hall but I've pretty much given up on him now. I feel so much turmoil inside me but the tought of leaving the JWs breaks my heart, any suggestions???
I'm an 18 year old girl, I started studying with the JWs 9 months ago. I was dating a guy that was a JW and I chose that I also wanted to study. We were together for 2 years and broke up four months ago. This breakup was very very devastating for me and I am still not well, we had marriage plans and we never had sex but we were very intimate, I just dont understand how he could stop loving me, since being a jw i was sure that we would be together forever. After we broke I stopped going to the meetings for about a month but I continued getting my study. Then I started to go to the same congregation that we would go together, and well he goes there too. I recently told my mother that I was studying and she completely opposes it, she's very determined to stopping me from going to the meetings. It's not that I'm having doubts about the truth its just that I feel like I'm letting my family down by doing this, since they are all agaunst the JWs. I also feel very lonely because I have no one to turn to. I've also thought about chaning my kingdom hall because it doesn't do me any good to se my ex there, because it hurts me more than I even know. If anyone has any advice please help, I feel incredibly depressed by this and i don't know what to do.
1 wish,no more, no less........
by ScoobySnax in.
no exceptions......... " i wish i could come up with better starter questions than minimus......".
your go........ (one wish remember)
I wish that my bf and I beat the WT.
Non-JW dating a JW? (sorry for it again!)
by redbull inthis post is again about the subject of a non-jw dating a jw.
however, i would first like to say that i am new to this forum and have really appreciated all the comments that have helped me better understand the problems with this kind of relationship.
this is again very similar to the post by llama (see:
I'm new to this forum too, and my situation is very similar, excpet he's the JW. Anyway, I really can't give much advice, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. I've been with by JW bf for 4 months, and our relationship is hidden. His dad can't find out, so we have to sneak around, which gets tiring after a while. He's asked me to consider studying with them, I'm not really religously affiliated either, and I really don't think I belong in the WT, I just have very different views. But if u like this girl a lot, don't let the WT get in your way. If u know u really want to have something with her go for it. See the elders are the ones that basically decide upon right and wrong, but don't let them interfere with your relationship, in the end, its just about the 2 of you, and not a bunch of people that like to decide upon other peoples life and limit their happiness. Hopefully, she won't let them influence her, never pressure her to get out though, or bombard her with info, thats not good, she has to find out for herself. Good luck! oh yeah, tryto set things straight from the beginning, it gets really complicated if u don't and can cause some serious damage...i speak from experience :) if there's anything else just PM me :)
questions about interfaith and interrace dating according to JWs
by greenmarie in.
i was wondering what jehovah's witnesses have to say about interfaith dating or inter-race dating or if either of those are even issues at all.
your input/comments would be so appreciated!
u can't be df? but u lose privileges don't you?
interfaith dating
by lazuli in.
what are the consequences of dating outside your faith and keeping the relationship hidden?
is it really that bad? what harm does it really do to anyone?
interfaith dating
by lazuli in.
what are the consequences of dating outside your faith and keeping the relationship hidden?
What are the consequences of dating outside your faith and keeping the relationship hidden?