Just go for it!
There will be a thousand reasons for you opting out and it will not be easy. My course has caused me to have serious doubts about why I started it in the first place. I have met challenges and obstacles and moments when I have thought fuck, I just can't do it! but I have! (I'm half way through my degree)
I am a single parent, four children, work 16 hours per week and do voluntary work also.......I manage. I am doing fine, my grades are good. I still maintain a good relationship with my children, they support me wholeheartedly and I don't hold back on showing the love I have for them. I do what I do not only for me but for them. I want this qualification so much and I work really hard.
There is always support, I always ask if I'm stuck, it's not easy, don't believe anyone that tells you it is. But if you're prepared to work and you really want it, you will succeed.
I have met friends on my course that I now consider to be potentially life-long. We speak regularly on the phone and keep in touch via email. We help each other out and there is always a brain to pick and sometimes someone will pick yours!
I liken my present quest to my attitude to driving. I never thought I'd be able to do it but then replaced that thought with......if 'they' can do it......so can I.
I wish you well,