I think Sara Annie hit the nail on the head when she said that college develops critical thinking skills. Sitting in one of my classes awhile back one of my prof's said the exact same thing. He said that we could all go and read the text book and teach ourselves the course and the only reason he was there was to help us develop our critical thinking skills.
Posts by JV
Suitable careers for JW children to aim for!
by Gill inthe october the 1st watchtower has interesting views on the education of jw children.. page 30, in which one jw explains how he ended up in ft service says:.
'we did not associate with our school mates but only with those in the congregation who had good spiritual habits.'.
interesting as this shows judgmentalism and criticism 'even' in the jw congregation.. then on page 31 it explains how parents must offer their children, as early as possible, proper guidance in their choice of school subjects and vocation goals.. 'rather than choose academic subjects that are geared toward a university education, parents and children need to consider courses that are useful in pursuing a theocratic career.'.
Any Back or Neck Crackers Here?
by El Kabong inone of my bad habits is cracking my neck and spine.
so many times when i'm tense i move my head from side to side and hear a loud series of cracks in my neck and the tension just melts away.
same with my spine, i can twist my body a certain way and feel and hear my lower spine crack.
i crack my back and neck so much i'm sure i'm going to get arthritis when i'm old
POLL!!!!!! I need your opinion!!!!!
by JV inok, here's my question du jour, is it ok to let your kids practice their instrument outside so the whole god damn neighrbourhood can hear them???
Bikechic, i'm just givin ya a rough time . I'll tell you one thing that put me to sleep, going to the meeting tonight, man was that a snooze fest.
POLL!!!!!! I need your opinion!!!!!
by JV inok, here's my question du jour, is it ok to let your kids practice their instrument outside so the whole god damn neighrbourhood can hear them???
I do have earplugs in, all the windows are closed, and wouldn't you be crabby with 4 hours of sleep too? ;)
What songs stand the test of time?
by JV inseeing as i'm dowloading songs so i can blast them at the neighbour kids, i was thinking, what songs stand the test of time?
what songs do you listen to over and over again and never get tired of.
here's my list.. if you tolerate this - manic street preachers.
I'm just browsing through all my mp3's and alot of the 'grunge' music still sounds as good now as it did 10+ years ago
Screaming Trees : "all i know" and "nearly lost you"
Candlebox: "10,000 Horses" and "far behind"
Soundgarden: "the day i tried to live" and "fell on black days"
I'm hoping the second coming of Kurt Cobain makes his arrival in the next decade
What songs stand the test of time?
by JV inseeing as i'm dowloading songs so i can blast them at the neighbour kids, i was thinking, what songs stand the test of time?
what songs do you listen to over and over again and never get tired of.
here's my list.. if you tolerate this - manic street preachers.
good call colorado, i've got that one on my hard drive somewhere
What songs stand the test of time?
by JV inseeing as i'm dowloading songs so i can blast them at the neighbour kids, i was thinking, what songs stand the test of time?
what songs do you listen to over and over again and never get tired of.
here's my list.. if you tolerate this - manic street preachers.
Nosferatu, that sarcasm's so thick i can cut it with a knife
POLL!!!!!! I need your opinion!!!!!
by JV inok, here's my question du jour, is it ok to let your kids practice their instrument outside so the whole god damn neighrbourhood can hear them???
Damn you sad emo!!! why do you have to take the high road???? Meh, I'll just ask them to start later round 3 pm.
POLL!!!!!! I need your opinion!!!!!
by JV inok, here's my question du jour, is it ok to let your kids practice their instrument outside so the whole god damn neighrbourhood can hear them???
Blondie, i have no clue why they can't play inside, well, there's two of them, one plays inside the other plays outside, it's doesn't matter because i can hear them both.
What songs stand the test of time?
by JV inseeing as i'm dowloading songs so i can blast them at the neighbour kids, i was thinking, what songs stand the test of time?
what songs do you listen to over and over again and never get tired of.
here's my list.. if you tolerate this - manic street preachers.
Seeing as i'm dowloading songs so i can blast them at the neighbour kids, I was thinking, what songs stand the test of time? what songs do you listen to over and over again and never get tired of. Here's my list.
If you tolerate this - Manic Street Preachers
Sing - Travis
Street Spirit - Radiohead