Topics Started by JV
JV's super fantastic Oct 1st education article review!!!!!! (LONG!!)
by JV inwhere to start?
first off i want to say that i actually took notes with my really cool 4 colour pen, and i colour coded my comments accordingly.
green = vomit inducing, red = furious, blue = makes me sad, and black = makes me want to die, lets just say that my article was really green .
Is it just me.....
by JV inor is arrested development the best show on tv???
it's definately the most original, i know what santa is getting me for christmas, the first two season on dvd!!!!
Re: Oct 15th WT articles & Next's week study article
by JV injust a couple of quick questions is nexts sunday's study article the infamous oct 1st article on education?
and are there more anti - education attacks in the oct 15th wt?
if so could somebody quote them for me or provide a link, much appreciated
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm out
by JV inwell it came to a head tonight, and it's over, i'm out, time to turn a new leaf i guess and move on, who know's what the future holds for little old jv
What's everybody up to tonight?
by JV inwhat's everybody up to tonight?
unfortunately i have to do homework, so i get to listen to the neighbour hood punks light off fireworks and blow up pumpkins.
anybody got any exciting plans?
Reverse Shunning
by JV in.
has anybody launched a preemptive strike so to say on the witnesses and shunned them before they shunned you?
Have any of you worked overseas, in the UAE to be more exact?
by JV ini'm just wondering if there's anybody out there who's worked in the uae?
if you have, what is it like?
what kind of experience did you have working over there?
Where can you turn to for help when there's nowhere left to go?
by JV inwhat organizations can you turn to?