Classicist, you should know who they are. One of their songs is in a Telus commercial.
Posts by JV
Yay! New Supergrass!!! are you as stoked as I am?!?!?!?!
by JV injust downloaded the new supergrass single, what can i say, just brilliant!
, can't wait for the album to come out, anybody else out there into supergrass?
Yay! New Supergrass!!! are you as stoked as I am?!?!?!?!
by JV injust downloaded the new supergrass single, what can i say, just brilliant!
, can't wait for the album to come out, anybody else out there into supergrass?
Unfortunately it's not out here yet and i don't feel like paying 60 bucks for an import cd, so i guess i'll just have to be patient
Yay! New Supergrass!!! are you as stoked as I am?!?!?!?!
by JV injust downloaded the new supergrass single, what can i say, just brilliant!
, can't wait for the album to come out, anybody else out there into supergrass?
Just downloaded the new supergrass single, what can i say, just brilliant! , can't wait for the album to come out, anybody else out there into supergrass??
Ever feel embarrassed when buying condoms?
by tsunami_rid3r in.
i dont know if i could do it, it'd almost be like buying tampons.
If you're too embarassed to buy condoms, just buy a tub of vasoline and a box of kleenex and save yourself from all those peering eyes at the checkout
Isn't It Time That The Americans Learned How To Enjoy Cricket?
by Englishman inyou guys don't know what you're missing.
now, take the present ashes competition.
england and australia square up to one another with a series of the best of 5 test matches.
Here is the other side of the pond in the country that you guys managed to hold on to.
Isn't It Time That The Americans Learned How To Enjoy Cricket?
by Englishman inyou guys don't know what you're missing.
now, take the present ashes competition.
england and australia square up to one another with a series of the best of 5 test matches.
Does anybody play cricket?? i wouldn't mind playing it. I know we have alot of ex-pats here who play cricket at some of the local parks
Any Aussies from Cairns or thereabouts?????
by JV ini'm looking for somebody i used to know, but i'm going to bed now so i'll check the thread in the morning.
I'm looking for somebody i used to know, but i'm going to bed now so i'll check the thread in the morning.
Suitable careers for JW children to aim for!
by Gill inthe october the 1st watchtower has interesting views on the education of jw children.. page 30, in which one jw explains how he ended up in ft service says:.
'we did not associate with our school mates but only with those in the congregation who had good spiritual habits.'.
interesting as this shows judgmentalism and criticism 'even' in the jw congregation.. then on page 31 it explains how parents must offer their children, as early as possible, proper guidance in their choice of school subjects and vocation goals.. 'rather than choose academic subjects that are geared toward a university education, parents and children need to consider courses that are useful in pursuing a theocratic career.'.
Dune, I think it depends on what your studying that determines whether or not you get a job after your finished, and where you live as well. Where I live HVAC is a ticket to a good paying job. Some degrees get you jobs like, nursing, engineering etc... and some courses/degrees are useless, the type of courses like "pre ancient anglo saxon american studies" stuff like that in my opinon won't get you a job, but there's nothing wrong with that. The fact of the matter is that nobody should tell you what kind of job's you can and can't have, that's crossing the line. Don't murder, steal, cheat, it's in the bible, they're nice, they're protections, i'm all for them. But where in the bible does it say that you can't go to Harvard?? I'm in college and let's just say that I might as well just go out and get leprosy, cause that's how i'm treated.
JT is right on the mark when he says that the WTO has never said "don't go to college" rather they created the atmosphere of looking down on people who go to college. The more and more i think about it the more i'm coming to realize that we're following the dictates of men rather than the bible. One of our local needs was about dying hair more than one colour for men (petty eh?). Did you know that brothers shouldn't die their hair more than one colour because apparently frosting your tips started out in the gay community and we wouldn't have anything to with that.
Anyways it's two am and i'm rambling so i'll get off my soapbox now
Stella.........The greatest show of all time or 3 guys on crack?
by JV inthanks to the marvels of bit torrent, i've stumbled upon this show starring micheal ian black, whom i liked in viva variety and the state.
i love this show and i've only seen three episodes.. anybody else out there like this show?
if you like off-beat comedy i reccomend that you check it out.
It's a new comedy central show..... i'm downloading the 4th episode right now it's only 175 mb's and it's going at 50 kb/sec so it'll be done in and hour or so. I just leave my computer on over night when i'm downloading anything and most of the time it'll be finished.
Stella.........The greatest show of all time or 3 guys on crack?
by JV inthanks to the marvels of bit torrent, i've stumbled upon this show starring micheal ian black, whom i liked in viva variety and the state.
i love this show and i've only seen three episodes.. anybody else out there like this show?
if you like off-beat comedy i reccomend that you check it out.
Thanks to the marvels of bit torrent, i've stumbled upon this show starring Micheal Ian Black, whom i liked in Viva Variety and The State. I love this show and i've only seen three episodes.
Anybody else out there like this show? If you like off-beat comedy i reccomend that you check it out.