But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say
Relating to JW dates, That is not prophecy. It is interpretation of prophecy.
i don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say
Relating to JW dates, That is not prophecy. It is interpretation of prophecy.
i don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
that the "7 trumpets of Revelation chapters 8 - 11" were 7 talks given at Bible Student conventions in the 1920s.
That is right. JW are fulfilling Bible prophecy.
i don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
But they did get those dates wrong.
That doesn’t disqualify them as God’s org or falsify their correct understanding of the Bible.
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
holy lives that we might also be a "holy priesthood
First remember to factor in all the other Bible verses I mentioned. Bringing in new scriptures don’t invalidate them or the fact that christians in heaven will rule with Christ as king priests over christians on earth. So, that establishes that not all christians have the heavenly hope.
There is zero need whatsoever for humans to go to heaven except to rule with Christ as king priests for a purpose and that purpose is to reconcile humans to God and to heal their sinful condition, etc. The office of priest is not for helping the angels. Angels don’t need priests.
God never intended humans to die or go to heaven either or for Jesus to become human, etc. The whole thing including some humans going to heaven is God’s remedy to fix the problem on earth: sin, death, suffering by means of the “Messianic kingdom”. God did not change his mind about creating the earth and having humans living on it and humans eating from the tree of life. It just so happens that ONLY christians are saved so that debunks any argument whatsoever that christians will be ruling over non-christians
All christians going to heaven is nonsensical as I have unquestionably established.
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
You have assumed a comparison that is not in the text.
No. That is why i cited Rev 5:10 and said compare. And don’t forget the rest of my argument. And don’t forget the New Jerusalem. Rev 5:10 validates a limited amount of Christians with the heavenly hope ruling over saved christians on earth not having the heavenly hope. More chiefs than indians is nonsensical. Obviously (axiomatically) there is a small flock of christians with the heavenly hope compared to the christians on earth.
there are several prescription meds people use to relieve the pain of arthritis.
they work by suppressing the immune system or by reducing inflammation.
people also use otc anti-inflammatory pills, and even anti-allergy pills are reported to work because of being able to also reduce inflammation but people tell me that they are concerned to use some meds regularly because of potential side effects in long term use.
Thanks. Looking at ALL suggestions. Helpful. Will try them all. Much appreciated.
Waton, my dad had the hip surgery too in his 90’s local anesthesia only. Wow, it really stopped the pain and it went great. What a relief and improved his quality of life.
i don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.
False. JW have erred in interpreting the year of the great tribulation but not in interpreting prophecy or scriptures relating to the time of the end and the overall meaning of the Bible and the meaning of each scripture in the Bible such as hell, mortality of the soul, Jesus is not God, etc. —Too many to mention. The Bible educational work of JW is the greatest in human history. As Jesus predicted that his followers would do work greater than his proving JW have the backing of Jesus.
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
Neither Rev 5:10 or Luke 12:32. say anything about Christians who are unjustified, not in the New Covenant, and bereft of the indwelling Holy Spirit and the heavenly hope.
Axiomatically does because only christians are saved based on the ransom and nobody else. However Jesus refers to christians with the heavenly hope as a little flock. Little flock compared to what? Billions of goats or a lager flock of christians that are not the bride of christ. Revelation also describes a populated earth. Of who? Heathens or Christians under the heavenly rule of the Messianic kingdom consisting of Jesus and the New Jerusalem? It is very obvious that many christians will inhabit the earth after the final judgment.
it really wasn't the end of the jewish world in70 ce, when the romans laid siege to jerusalem.
jewish thought, since it had developed a philosophical (i.e.
fictional) foundation, survived until today.
Nice post and link!
Regarding the end of the Jewish world, this refers to the end of the Jewish religious system of worship based on the Temple and the priests who were descendants of divinely appointed Aaron. That Jewish system originated with ( according to tye Bible) God: “..we worship what we know because salvation originates with the Jews.” Whereas the rabbinical judaism that developed in Javneh after 70 which survived until present —like the Samaritans and all the other nations that are still around— show zero evidence of divine appointment or approval. Besides that, 70 marked the end of Jewish society in the land of Israel until modern times when the republic of Israel was formed in the land of palestine which is mostly secular. Another difference is that prior to 70, a Jew good or bad was described by his tribe or race. Today a Jew is usually defined as someone who belongs to the religion that practices rabbinical Judaism or even a Karaite but no Jew today can document his lineage to any of the 12 tribes. So does that make a person a Jew according to Bible standards because he practices a form of modern day Judaism and can we conclude that the Jewish world did not end in 70??
there are several prescription meds people use to relieve the pain of arthritis.
they work by suppressing the immune system or by reducing inflammation.
people also use otc anti-inflammatory pills, and even anti-allergy pills are reported to work because of being able to also reduce inflammation but people tell me that they are concerned to use some meds regularly because of potential side effects in long term use.
This is not a religious topic.