holy lives that we might also be a "holy priesthood
First remember to factor in all the other Bible verses I mentioned. Bringing in new scriptures don’t invalidate them or the fact that christians in heaven will rule with Christ as king priests over christians on earth. So, that establishes that not all christians have the heavenly hope.
There is zero need whatsoever for humans to go to heaven except to rule with Christ as king priests for a purpose and that purpose is to reconcile humans to God and to heal their sinful condition, etc. The office of priest is not for helping the angels. Angels don’t need priests.
God never intended humans to die or go to heaven either or for Jesus to become human, etc. The whole thing including some humans going to heaven is God’s remedy to fix the problem on earth: sin, death, suffering by means of the “Messianic kingdom”. God did not change his mind about creating the earth and having humans living on it and humans eating from the tree of life. It just so happens that ONLY christians are saved so that debunks any argument whatsoever that christians will be ruling over non-christians
All christians going to heaven is nonsensical as I have unquestionably established.