The Psalms to Jehovah addresses God by his personal name. For example Psalms 30:1-4. Also, in Jesus’s model prayer: “Let your name be hallowed.” shows how important the divine name is. People mumble the Our Father without even knowing what they are saying or praying.
JoinedPosts by Fisherman
Do you pray?
by Fisherman ini’ve always had a personal relationship with god that is not affected by any issues or controversies i have with anybody..
Sinthetic human life. No parents needed except the stem cell donor.
by Fisherman inwith this process, there is no spe&m, no egg, no conception but a developing life.
what is the world coming to?.
The chromosomes would be be interesting. I figure that it would have identical or very similar DNA to the stem source making his parents equal to the parents of the stem cell and maybe could be biologically the same as a twin of the stem cell donor. Keep in mind that sometimes siamese twins are born naturally—or two head mouse or turtle. So there is a development starting off with living cells having parents DNA whether resulting from conception naturally, or artificially —or by this process. This stem cell method of producing an embryo exploits the biological process of the development of a living organism synthetically.
But the parents of the embryo are the same parents as the stem cell donor’s parents—seems.
Sinthetic human life. No parents needed except the stem cell donor.
by Fisherman inwith this process, there is no spe&m, no egg, no conception but a developing life.
what is the world coming to?.
judging from his dismissal of WTS blood policy
Not at all. Did you read all, for example my discussions with cofty, TD, Marvin Shilmer respectfully refuting their views? I always try to be respectful but sometimes in the heat of the moment may post unintentionally something very challenging. I don’t post scores of scriptures or preach or try to convince or proselytize. I enjoy having a reasonable thebait with all respect. I could be wrong but the subject matter on each thread is the topic. Thanks
Sinthetic human life. No parents needed except the stem cell donor.
by Fisherman inwith this process, there is no spe&m, no egg, no conception but a developing life.
what is the world coming to?.
It is not human, but mouse embryos
Obviously, because that is what the
the article claims. But also obviously, it can be a human embryo.Of mice —and men too.
Sinthetic human life. No parents needed except the stem cell donor.
by Fisherman inwith this process, there is no spe&m, no egg, no conception but a developing life.
what is the world coming to?.
Interesting if the source of the stem cells was a male.
Most needed invention. No more $ex burden needed to populate the earth. Hurray!
Sinthetic human life. No parents needed except the stem cell donor.
by Fisherman inwith this process, there is no spe&m, no egg, no conception but a developing life.
what is the world coming to?.
With this process, there is no spe&m, no egg, no conception but a developing life. What is the world coming to?
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
am not interested in discussing faith issues with someone who distains Christian faith.
Well said, Van!
Can TiKToK spy on you?
by Fisherman inseveral years ago i was having a conversation with a neighbor inside a store and he told me that he was in the park one day with a friend who was then struck by lightning and after a few moments after being struck they walked away from there and while they were walking away my neighbor told me that his friend got hit by lightning a second time ki&&ing him.
after telling me this story lightning struck and we heard thunder.
coincidence or act of god?
Several years ago I was having a conversation with a neighbor inside a store and he told me that he was in the park one day with a friend who was then struck by lightning and after a few moments after being struck they walked away from there and while they were walking away my neighbor told me that his friend got hit by lightning a second time ki&&ing him. After telling me this story lightning struck and we heard thunder. Coincidence or act of God? But I’ve been noticing for a while that after having a conversation with someone or sending someone a message, after opening up TikTok, the same subject is on the TikTok. How many times this needs to happen for it not to be a coincidence?
Do you pray?
by Fisherman ini’ve always had a personal relationship with god that is not affected by any issues or controversies i have with anybody..
I’ve always had a personal relationship with God that is not affected by any issues or controversies I have with anybody.
Polio is spreading in New York waters
by Fisherman inaccording to news reports, the polio virus has been spreading in ny waters since april of this year.
polio is a crippling disease that affects the bones.
i actually know someone that had polio and is crippled shrinking the length of his arm and leg.
It’s not spreading
Also read that it was found in UK too. I don’t know what to believe. I’ll wait and see.