God has said
From the narrative, God said it to Adam but nothing in the narrative shows either God or Adam speaking to her telling her telling her not to eat or touch. But obviously she believed the command applied to her because Eve articulated the law to the Serpent. (Both JW and Jewish commentators write that it was Adam that told his wife and added the part about not touching.) Also, the death penalty was not pronounced upon Eve by God. But although nothing in the narrative articulates the command to Eve, it shows the consequences upon her for her eating from the tree. —Or was it because of Adam eating —because nothing happened to her until Adam ate. The animals and the entire earth did nothing wrong but suffer along too. God asked Eve: “What is it you have done” and Eve replied: “I ate.” so you can conclude that it was wrong for her to eat because God pronounced a penalty upon her even though God did not say to her what she did wrong. To Adam, however, God told him that he ate from the tree commanded by God not to eat from and then pronounced the death sentence upon Adam for listening to his wife and not obeying his command and God cursed the ground because of Adam. According to the narrative It is clear why Adam is pushing up daisies but not Eve.
If a man’s wife is brazenly going around dating and touching other men or females even though she is not having se€ual relations with them is wrong because she is married, and the congregation can sanction her.