Why are JWs trying to be judge, jury and executioner all in one?
How so?
JW are required to obey the law.That’s what the Courts are for.
Laws would need to be changed to make it compulsory in every State to report harming children, make it illegal to marriage of children, punishing severely false accusations of harming children, dangerous housing conditions affecting children, etc.
Very simple if laws specifically compelled any church official to report crimes they heard at confessions ( including Catholic priests)to the authorities nobody would confess to the church. No more problems.
Doctors put up a sign saying they report signs of abuse to authorities. What a dumb thing to do. Because that warns an abuser and “it” won’t bring the child to the doctor. —What a horrific world we live in— But that is secular law. The doctor may be liable for breach of confidentiality and may be sued by the person that brings the child to the doctor if the doctor discloses the information unless the doctor has immunity. Or puts up a warning sign. But if the person knows he will be reported, the child is not taken to school or doctors. Making it law to report children being harmed may help a little but there are harmful consequences to children too.
The way the laws are crafted, somebody calls cps to report abuse , they show up at the door maybe take custody of the kids even if it is a lie no consequences for s false report and if you penalize false reports nobody will make honest reports either afraid of being falsely accused. You always have to rely on integrity and that’s not possible because the law is not about integrity it us about being free and about winning in Court and that sums up the law. Very easy for a mother to get custody of children, accuse the father of abuse. That ruins the man’s reputation forever because who would trust such man accused by the mother of his kids. The judge will rather err on the safety of the children and bring an innocent man to ruin and separate the father from from his children. That’s child abuse too and legal. Suppose the man was exonerated or years later the child confessed mom lied. Too bad. No consequences. How about ending a child’s life in the birth canal horrifically, legal. Is that not child abuse? Not when legislation says its fine. On the one hand the law is going after a church group in a State that happens to mandate reporting but maybe says its ok to terminate a “child’s” life during birth. “Be quick about it before he is completely born.”It’s law not morality.