insist on believing
Ive explained what I know compared to what you believe. Believe whatever you like.
any news how things are at bethel just now?
been thinking, strange they have gb members giving speeches when they look so depressed.
but maeby there is not many others too choose from.
insist on believing
Ive explained what I know compared to what you believe. Believe whatever you like.
any news how things are at bethel just now?
been thinking, strange they have gb members giving speeches when they look so depressed.
but maeby there is not many others too choose from.
I’m sure other people went to bethel expecting to be there til the ‘new system’.
And when the new system didn’t arrive when they expected, they leave. Most people cannot live that type of life. Many have different expectations about the place and about their work assignment, so bottom line they leave in time. And new people are given the chance to experience it so there is a turn around of new people. Of all people that come and go, some want to be lifers and stay but not everybody qualifies or is wanted of those who want to stay there for the rest of their lives.
Since people are moved around anyway to different work assignments, if a department closes down or shrinks like printing, people don't have to be sent home, they can give him job changes instead of bringing new people in. But when they assess individuals as to qualifications, the brothers up there decide who they want out. There are other complex reasons when you have a bunch of people living in the same institution. But if you believe the real reason is downsizing, you don’t know what you are talking about. You can use an opportunity like when a department closes to get rid of unwanted people to begin with and blame it on downsizing but if they want you, they give you a different assignment unless you are a doctor or a lawyer or have a special skills. They don’t send people home because the reason is cutting down on too many people. For example. They send 20 people home then later on they invite 30 people in but the ones that left are not invited back. The reason they send people home is always because something negative about the person. You can believe otherwise which is the same excuse used to get rid of unwanted individuals.
any news how things are at bethel just now?
been thinking, strange they have gb members giving speeches when they look so depressed.
but maeby there is not many others too choose from.
It’s just a question of WHO to get rid of!
First I qualified my commentary applying to the past.
Also , a lot of people leave on their own and new people are invited. I can tell you that downsizing is not the reason. It can used as be a pretext. Some people don’t work out in the long run, and other complex reasons and issues— nowdays. Doesn’t matter if they get old. WT is equipped for that for that.Sadly, people are asked to leave not for downsizing reasons but because of a problem with the person. May not even be aware of it but the right people that makes decisions know what is wrong.The volunteer work people do more than pays for the living expenses paid. Money is zero reason. It always has to do with the person, always the case. Of course the pretext is downsizing and other explanations not to get people offended or hurt for being singled out.
any news how things are at bethel just now?
been thinking, strange they have gb members giving speeches when they look so depressed.
but maeby there is not many others too choose from.
those who have been asked to leave Bethel,(not because of wrongdoing)l
There is a reason why they don’t want you. Some people stay forever but some are asked to leave. The reason may not involve “ unchristian conduct “ but it is always because of something negative about the person. Like with any job, you need to be needed somehow and you need to be tied with heavies and you need to get along with others and you need to measure up. But most important of all, you are always in danger of getting kicked out unless you are friends with those that have the power to override those that want you out. Describing how it was in the past. Nowdays, if they need you and more complex. Also, mostly, anyone easily replaced.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Babylon the Great is hot
She was once. Now she is an old girl.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
If Jerusalem did not represent the kingdom of God, why did Jesus say, "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."
As we at JW see it, Jews were first in line to rule as king priests with Jesus. At Pentecost, the church began to be chosen by God consisting of Gentiles thus rejecting natural Israel.
Jerusalem’s kings ended with Zedekiah circa 607 BCE, the last king of Judah. Thereafter, Jerusalem was trampled by the nations and did not rule kings. —Nor rule at all all over anybody,
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
and covetousness, which is idolatry:
That is not the idolatry that describes Babylon the Great. Jews never practiced idolatry or spiritism again nor in the first century. Neither was Jerusalem a kingdom. It was a subjugated city paying taxes with zero influence over Rome let alone the kings of the earth. The religious leaders of Jesus’s day were not the consorts of the Romans or anybody else. Romans had their own gods. It is obvious the facts are self evident. Conclude as you wish.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Conclusion: Jerusalem is Revelation’s Babylon
No, because BTH is guilty of Idolatry whereas Jerusalem learned its lesson after the Babylonian captivity and did not practice idolatry again. In Jesus’ day, Jesus foretold the destruction of Jerusalem not because it was acting like Babylon the Great as described in Revelation but because they rejected God’s son, fought against God’s Holy Spirit and had Jesus mur&erd. Also, Jerusalem did not suffer the fate of Babylon the great and the events that follow the destruction of BTG did not transpire after 70CE. In fact, the Jews reorganized in Javneh and founded Rabbinical Judaism to this day.—Besides the modern day Republic of Israel —with Jerusalem. Obviously, Babylon the Great is another entity.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
In the Bible, the city of Jerusalem, the Jewish mother organization representing the system of worship for Israel is personified as the wife of God ( “Where is the divorce certificate if the mother of you people which I sent away. “ In the Christian Scriptures, the New Jerusalem also symbolizes the wife of Christ, the church, true religion. It would fit the bill if Babylon the great turns out to be false religion.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
as a message written in a specific manner at a specific time and a specific place to a specific audience in response to a specific problem, but attempts to interpret it outside that context age
The identity of the Genesis serpent for example was interpreted by John in Revelation about 1600 years later. Not to mention the identity of the disgusting thing causing desolation spoken by Daniel in the Babylonian diaspora interpreted by Jesus circa 33CE and finally realizing in the Roman armies in 70CE, and the messianic prophecies realizing in Jesus—to a different audience, etc… so your view seriously fails here.