I’m sure other people went to bethel expecting to be there til the ‘new system’.
And when the new system didn’t arrive when they expected, they leave. Most people cannot live that type of life. Many have different expectations about the place and about their work assignment, so bottom line they leave in time. And new people are given the chance to experience it so there is a turn around of new people. Of all people that come and go, some want to be lifers and stay but not everybody qualifies or is wanted of those who want to stay there for the rest of their lives.
Since people are moved around anyway to different work assignments, if a department closes down or shrinks like printing, people don't have to be sent home, they can give him job changes instead of bringing new people in. But when they assess individuals as to qualifications, the brothers up there decide who they want out. There are other complex reasons when you have a bunch of people living in the same institution. But if you believe the real reason is downsizing, you don’t know what you are talking about. You can use an opportunity like when a department closes to get rid of unwanted people to begin with and blame it on downsizing but if they want you, they give you a different assignment unless you are a doctor or a lawyer or have a special skills. They don’t send people home because the reason is cutting down on too many people. For example. They send 20 people home then later on they invite 30 people in but the ones that left are not invited back. The reason they send people home is always because something negative about the person. You can believe otherwise which is the same excuse used to get rid of unwanted individuals.