Baited you or lured you back in cofty? I knew you were evolving back. Nice to see you!
JoinedPosts by Fisherman
A problem, a provision, a promise
by JW Answers inshort message of help showing forth the correct gospel for today.. the problem with mankind, the provision for mankind, and a promise to mankind.. jws teach that works save.
the bible says that only christ saves if we believe / trust upon him..
A problem, a provision, a promise
by JW Answers inshort message of help showing forth the correct gospel for today.. the problem with mankind, the provision for mankind, and a promise to mankind.. jws teach that works save.
the bible says that only christ saves if we believe / trust upon him..
Jesus taught that works save - see the sheep and goats Matt. 25
Salvation has different facets. One aspect is work and another aspect is that slavation is a gift that cannot be earned or merited. Paul’s gospel was same as Jesus but he explained in such depth that requires understanding same as understanding John 1:1 and not jumping to conclusions about Jesus being God almighty. Need to understand what Paul is saying.
Weight Loss and Insulin Control
by cofty inask most fitness coaches, nutritionists or health professionals and they will tell you that weight control is about calories in versus calories out (cico).
after all, you can’t ignore the laws of thermodynamics!.
the flaw in this simplistic reasoning ought to be obvious; a human body and a steam engine are two different things.. our bodies have evolved complex systems of control and feedback loops in order to maintain a steady interior environment, also known as homeostasis.
Significant weight loss will definitely cause lowered blood glucose levels in some people —and exercise also helps for some people. You won’t know if it works for you until you personally try it. Important to remove lots of sugars like sodas cookies candies pastries from your diet. Use sugars in moderation, only very small amounts to sweeten tea for example is ok for some people. The drug glucophage is amazing. Send any money to me that you wish to spend on natural medicines and expesive snake oils. Glucophage is believed to sensitize your body again to insulin if you take it long enough and stop consuming all that sugar and regulate consumption of carbs and starches.
Sad to say, nothing helps for male pattern baldness except a wig or expensive cosmetic surgery
Why Do JW`s still use the Name Jehovah ,when they admitted in the Aid Book that it is not the correct pronunciation of his name ?
by smiddy3 inisn`t that an admittion that they don`t have the "truth" ?
about god ?.
The karaites today use the pronunciation yehovah as the name of God. Unlike rabbinical judaism, they dont hide the name of God and interestingly pronounce it like JW. There are no vowels in the ancient text and the pronunciation in hebrew was lost resulting from rabbinical superstition. However, Rabbinical Jews do say the name. I’ve heard a Satmar angrily say to a Lubavitcher: “Jehovah doesn’t belong to you!” I think that in Hebrew the divine name is pronounced: Ye’hovah.
Is it Logical To Beleive In A Creator - GOD ? In This Scientific Age ?
by smiddy3 ini don`t think so .
hasn`t science ,astronomy ,time , .....proven it an illogical beleif ?.
with the information about this solar system and it`s planets ,other stars and their planets that we have information about ,and the fact that no god has ever revealed him/her self in any shape or form 'there is no evidence that a creator / god has ever existed.. except in the minds of humans who want to control a section of humanity .. the fact that religions rely on "you have to have faith" to beleive in a god ,surely is a cop out.. i look forward to your comments .. and a happy new year to you all..
In other words, a god is necessary for the universe to make sense.
Not if the universe always existed—that is to say the substance of the universe and its properties which changes and transforms according to its drive. Now given the universe and then taking it away and creating a void for example to illustrate a condition without the universe, how then can the universe come to existence from that void. That is not logical. I’m not saying it is not possible but it doesn’t make sense. Miracles from God can’t be understood, that is to say the mechanics of it but since there is a mechanism that causes it —God, it makes sense.
Is it Logical To Beleive In A Creator - GOD ? In This Scientific Age ?
by smiddy3 ini don`t think so .
hasn`t science ,astronomy ,time , .....proven it an illogical beleif ?.
with the information about this solar system and it`s planets ,other stars and their planets that we have information about ,and the fact that no god has ever revealed him/her self in any shape or form 'there is no evidence that a creator / god has ever existed.. except in the minds of humans who want to control a section of humanity .. the fact that religions rely on "you have to have faith" to beleive in a god ,surely is a cop out.. i look forward to your comments .. and a happy new year to you all..
All guesses and science fiction of the mind aka what happened before the big bang. We think in terms of the rules of reality as we know it. Logically though either the universe existed eternally or God existed eternally
Is it Logical To Beleive In A Creator - GOD ? In This Scientific Age ?
by smiddy3 ini don`t think so .
hasn`t science ,astronomy ,time , .....proven it an illogical beleif ?.
with the information about this solar system and it`s planets ,other stars and their planets that we have information about ,and the fact that no god has ever revealed him/her self in any shape or form 'there is no evidence that a creator / god has ever existed.. except in the minds of humans who want to control a section of humanity .. the fact that religions rely on "you have to have faith" to beleive in a god ,surely is a cop out.. i look forward to your comments .. and a happy new year to you all..
That can also be said about the physical ,material universe
Think about it.
Is it Logical To Beleive In A Creator - GOD ? In This Scientific Age ?
by smiddy3 ini don`t think so .
hasn`t science ,astronomy ,time , .....proven it an illogical beleif ?.
with the information about this solar system and it`s planets ,other stars and their planets that we have information about ,and the fact that no god has ever revealed him/her self in any shape or form 'there is no evidence that a creator / god has ever existed.. except in the minds of humans who want to control a section of humanity .. the fact that religions rely on "you have to have faith" to beleive in a god ,surely is a cop out.. i look forward to your comments .. and a happy new year to you all..
Hi Smid!
in this day and age to beleive in a GOD simply because "it" doesn`t make itself known ,doesn`t communicate and expose itself , and simply prove to humanity of it`s existence ?
That is a different subject. The point is that something with dynamics and drive and description must always have existed—so what can we conclude from that?
Regarding empirical evidence of God, I answered that in another one of your threads. I for one can only know something is real not by logic but by measurement by counting the money like the apostles who saw and spoke with Jesus or seeing Lazarus resurrected or speaking with an angel like Zechariah spoke with Gabriel. Proof like that would convince my mind same as I would take a measurement that something is real. What would you conclude from that? Speaking to a Witness would convince me but only if I took a measurement myself could I testify. What would you do with proof from God Smid?
Is it Logical To Beleive In A Creator - GOD ? In This Scientific Age ?
by smiddy3 ini don`t think so .
hasn`t science ,astronomy ,time , .....proven it an illogical beleif ?.
with the information about this solar system and it`s planets ,other stars and their planets that we have information about ,and the fact that no god has ever revealed him/her self in any shape or form 'there is no evidence that a creator / god has ever existed.. except in the minds of humans who want to control a section of humanity .. the fact that religions rely on "you have to have faith" to beleive in a god ,surely is a cop out.. i look forward to your comments .. and a happy new year to you all..
God isn’t a “thing”
an item inside this existence that requires explanation.
With the God ( substance, thing, something ) explanation nothing never existed. God always filled all the voids of reality. Before the universe there was God then there was a change —like the big bang.
In other words, something some thing always existed, God.
Is it Logical To Beleive In A Creator - GOD ? In This Scientific Age ?
by smiddy3 ini don`t think so .
hasn`t science ,astronomy ,time , .....proven it an illogical beleif ?.
with the information about this solar system and it`s planets ,other stars and their planets that we have information about ,and the fact that no god has ever revealed him/her self in any shape or form 'there is no evidence that a creator / god has ever existed.. except in the minds of humans who want to control a section of humanity .. the fact that religions rely on "you have to have faith" to beleive in a god ,surely is a cop out.. i look forward to your comments .. and a happy new year to you all..
Lawrence Krauss’s version of “nothing” is not very nothingy, because it still assumes physical properties and laws at the beginning. Why is there anything at all? He doesn’t really address the philosophical question. Any way that you look at it, existence is miraculous.
What Krauss is saying is that the universe, its drive , description and dynamics always existed. (That something is a form of nothing.) It doesn’t make sense but there is no other explanation that I can think of to change nonexistence into the universe with its descriptive properties. The other explanation is God. In any case. Something dynamic and descriptive always existed.