eating an animal found already dead.
How does a person that pumps 1/2 gallon of blood into his veins keep abstaining from blood as required in the Christian Scriptures?
Also, if an Israelite went around eating dead animals, he would obviously get into trouble. The related scripture is not a concession allowing Israelites to go around eating dead unbled animals as a standard for the Israelites. The standard was the ritualistic slaughter with the poring out of the blood. There is no such practice recorded in the Bible. However, you make the point that even if one person ate a dead animal, the blood was different from blood from a slaughtered animal and WT acknowledges that in wt literature. The issue in modern time remains because blood transfusions is a standard practice in medicine, Christians are to “keep abstaining” from blood. The JW gb interprets that to mean no bt.
I don’t think that a Jew in ancient Israel worth his weight in modern day salt would eat a dead (kosher) animal because it was wrong to do so but IF he did, there was no penalty although there was uncleaness integrated with the conduct.