the Talmud views an embryo as only water until after 40 days and abortions are permitted before 24 weeks. It is not a human soul. The laws of kosher apply only to eating not ingesting and Rabbinical Judaism also distinguishes eating and tasting. For example it is not a violation to put pork cosmetic products on your lips and skin even if you swallow some of it. Hypothetically a Jew would not be in violation of kosher if ingesting a gallon of blood or a gallon of pork for non medical purpose on the other hand, eating some meat and cheese is not allowed.Their approach and method of interpreting the Bible differs from JW. For example, the Talmud says that King David did not commit adultery with Bathsheba because Uriah was not married to her at the time and David did not murder him either because Uriah slighted the king which incurred death. Rabbinical Judaism has nothing in common with JW in the method of interpreting Scripture.
Compare the legal, medical, and religious authorities that make the definitions of what constitutes a human person compulsory and the hundreds of millions or more? ab0rtions resulting from these definitions. Acts infers a prohibition of eating blood but JW believes that ingesting a large volume of blood is also prohibited in Acts15.