Apply the ransom
Legally speaking, as Alan F pointed out, how is it just for humanity to suffer and die after justice was served with the payment of the ransom. The physical effects of the antibiotics starting to work are felt during the millennium. Jesus resurrected the dead, restored people to good health is proof that the ransom works. So to answer the question raised in the Topic, Jesus gave empirical evidence that the ransom works—for some people, the ones that were healed by Jesus. That is not really the issue that the ransom works. The tension is that Adam sinned resulting in God demanding justice in the payment of a ransom to him and since justice was served, what is the legal reason for humans to suffer so horribly and die ((and especially caused by Christianity instead of christianity at least mitigating human suffering). The application of the ransom is not a legal reason why humans are required to suffer and die when somebody else already did that for all humans, Jesus. Legally speaking, why is the ransom not working physically?— Playing devil’s advocate.