God never demandeda ransom.
Depends on how you interpret that he demanded a ransom. Off the top of my head verbatim:
” God gave his only begotten son so that those exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” And “Father, .. let this cup pass..your will.” So you see, the ransom was something that God required or demanded in order to satisfy his standard of justice so he could save mankind without offending his attribute of justice. Adam had not excuse to sin but imperfect humans can argue as king David said in the Psalms, that they were born that way so on what just standard could God abandon mankind without demanding justice —that is to say, the ransom. I understand you have your own theology- that I totally disagree with- but in terms of legal and justice from God’s point of view the question arises that Alan F highlighted. Of course your view is respected and your commentary is appreciated at least by me. But I hope you at least understand the point Alan F made.