Since it was explicitly expected within a generation of Jesus (after the ‘great tribulation’ from 66-70CE)
The foretold GT realized within a generation whether generation meant 70 or 80 years or before the death of all the Apostles in the first century . Part of the great tribulation prophecy also foretells the Parousia which obviously did not occur in 70 because in Revelation Jesus refers to another GT which would precede the Millennium to which the olivette prophecy fully applies: the separation of the sheep and the goats, all the tribes of the earth involved, and the final judgment of mankind as Revelation explains. I’ve already explained JW view. Believe what you like. Very interesting observation that the 1C Christians were expecting Jesus to return after 70 but since Jesus describes another gt in Revelation detailing the fall of Babylon the Great, Armageddon, etc, his coming with the clouds of heaven ( which was ironically alluded to during his ascension) is related to the great tribulation referred to in Revelation after the gt of 70CE. Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven implies invisibility and the significance of every eye will see him means with the eye of understanding such as with someone that rejects all evidence until he is checkmated and forced to see and admit his defeat —with poetic justice and in the poetic language of the Bible.
That’s how we at JW see it. You have your view.