we at JW see it.
All I meant is that is how JW see it, including me.
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
we at JW see it.
All I meant is that is how JW see it, including me.
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
Since it was explicitly expected within a generation of Jesus (after the ‘great tribulation’ from 66-70CE)
The foretold GT realized within a generation whether generation meant 70 or 80 years or before the death of all the Apostles in the first century . Part of the great tribulation prophecy also foretells the Parousia which obviously did not occur in 70 because in Revelation Jesus refers to another GT which would precede the Millennium to which the olivette prophecy fully applies: the separation of the sheep and the goats, all the tribes of the earth involved, and the final judgment of mankind as Revelation explains. I’ve already explained JW view. Believe what you like. Very interesting observation that the 1C Christians were expecting Jesus to return after 70 but since Jesus describes another gt in Revelation detailing the fall of Babylon the Great, Armageddon, etc, his coming with the clouds of heaven ( which was ironically alluded to during his ascension) is related to the great tribulation referred to in Revelation after the gt of 70CE. Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven implies invisibility and the significance of every eye will see him means with the eye of understanding such as with someone that rejects all evidence until he is checkmated and forced to see and admit his defeat —with poetic justice and in the poetic language of the Bible.
That’s how we at JW see it. You have your view.
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
Take for example Revelation 21: 10
“….and he showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God. “
Here John sees something happening, action. He even describes the reality of Jerusalem coming with a measurement in the forthcoming verses.
Compare with in Revelation 22:20 Jesus is saying:
“Yes, I am coming quickly.”
And compare Revelation 1: 7
“Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him.”
Also compare with Mathew 24:30
“Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”
Did this happen in 1914? Are the end of the Gentile Times in 1914 and Jesus coming the same event?
I think JW explains that Jesus returned in 1914 by becoming king which is the beginning of his “clouds of heaven” invisible Parousia and it keeps on developing and keeps on coming until it climaxes into the great tribulation. At that point everybody will have to know and forced to see the reality that everyone has been denying exists. It is irony and literary device( the kingdom of God is on your midsts) overtaking humanity with the reality they refuse to see.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
Bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago. That is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now. Keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
*4000/20=200 generations
this is a new video posted by the exjw critical thinkers jt & lady cee:.
i had a hunch that wt was going to do so, but this is happening quite soon.
I think that as soon as the covid national emergency is called off, Zoom will stop but the elderly and sick will still be able to telephone in.
the bible records miracles such as resurrections, angels, prophecy and destructive acts of god to mention a few.
are these all a pack of lies?
how do you explain them?
Where's the proof without using the Bible to prove the Bible?
Take for example Bible prophecy ( a miracle in itself ) and its fulfillment, for example the book of Daniel foretold the succeeding world Empires, Jesus the Messiah, and the books of the Prophets foretold the fall of Babylon by Cyrus and much more..
the bible records miracles such as resurrections, angels, prophecy and destructive acts of god to mention a few.
are these all a pack of lies?
how do you explain them?
You are suffering from logorrhea
Nothing to do with Bible miracles. Attacking the chess player and not defending your position as advocate
the bible records miracles such as resurrections, angels, prophecy and destructive acts of god to mention a few.
are these all a pack of lies?
how do you explain them?
I'm not an advocate
Juxtaposion an impartial arbitrator-a trier of facts and law or rules of arbitration.
this is a new video posted by the exjw critical thinkers jt & lady cee:.
i had a hunch that wt was going to do so, but this is happening quite soon.
What they really want is zoom only for those who are really elderly or incapacitated
That would mean no end to Zoom.
this is a new video posted by the exjw critical thinkers jt & lady cee:.
i had a hunch that wt was going to do so, but this is happening quite soon.
Before the pandemic, a lot of people were calling in. I can see and end to zoom once the national emergency comes to an end because there is no longer any need for it. So people can then just call in and listen without zoom like before covid.