Dr. TD,
Thank you for your elegant and informative inked commentary.
it is a complete repudiation of the argument of intelligent design
We have scientists that understand this, and so do our commentators who interpret what the Bible means and their role is not defense lawyer, they personally have to be convinced—like me. In my previous post I highlighted (and it is axiomatic professor, that you understand this) a distinction between what the Bible says and interpretation of the evidence. Our position as JW is that we consider the Bible inspired and infallible, the word of God: 2 Peter 1:20,21. That is our premise, that is our evidence, that is our rule and method and approach when we interpret the Bible —2Timothy 3:16. ( For example, if you carefully notice the wording in the Insight Book article commenting on the story of Noah, it doesn’t try to refute the science that challenges the story, basically it says that the Bible claims to be inspired and that is what the Bible says in the story of Noah. JW are not making that claim, the Bible is and JW did not write the story of Noah, it is given to us and validated by the prophet Isaiah, Jesus and the writings of the Apostles, all having their credentials validated with empirical evidence from God recorded in the Bible. JW method uses the rule that the information in the Bible is true so it doesn’t try to contradict what the Bible says although what the Bible means might be subjective. The story of Noah is not allegorical according to the Bible, it is historical. But you remarkably showed in your well written linked article professor that the biology and physiology of the eating and digestive mechanisms of animals could only have been designed for that special purpose vis-à-vis the Word of God that says all animals ate vegetation prior to the flood. How would you interpret that with the given parameters, though?
It is mathematically possible that Noah and his sons populated the earth. TD showed that it is not genetically possible given today’s genetics were the same at the time of the flood. But how do we know they were? I am not refuting the genetic evidence. I believe the Noah story because God’s Word says it happened. It does not say it was allegorical. However, I take note of the challenging evidence. All bets are on.