I’ve made it clear on this forum that I am a JW.
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of adam in wt calendar.
according to “all scriptures inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of adam and the creation of eve and her marriage to adam.
it was at that point in time when eve was created that marked the end of the 6th creative day and the beginning of god’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in genesis.
I’ve made it clear on this forum that I am a JW.
re-posting this for reference.. #1 protein functional redundancy comparing the sequences of amino acids in ubiquitous proteins confirms the relationship between all living things..
#2 dna functional redundancy comparison of the dna that codes for the amino acids of ubiquitous proteins predicts the tree of life with an astonishing degree of accuracy..
#3 ervs endogenous retroviruses that infected our ancestors are found in the same place of the genome of our closest primate cousins..
I sat through your evolution posts, remember?
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of adam in wt calendar.
according to “all scriptures inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of adam and the creation of eve and her marriage to adam.
it was at that point in time when eve was created that marked the end of the 6th creative day and the beginning of god’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in genesis.
When used for a book, it's actually Yiddish, not Hebrew.
I know all about it.
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of adam in wt calendar.
according to “all scriptures inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of adam and the creation of eve and her marriage to adam.
it was at that point in time when eve was created that marked the end of the 6th creative day and the beginning of god’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in genesis.
Actually, "chumash" is a technical term,
Actually it means 5 in Hebrew. I use the word and so do other Jews to distinguish from the oral Torah because a Jew sees the Talmud as part of the Torah
during the massacre of many witnesses at a kingdom hall in germany the other night, where was jehovah's holy spirit ?
Except when he doesn't!
Feels like a let down and hard to imagine.
kingdom halls will be the thing of the past.. conventions (mini assembly halls will still be going on) but will charge for attending and parking and always a donation.
elders will play a much smaller role since csa.
cart preaching will replace door to door.
For example, we saw them change the "generation" doctrine in 1995 after the previous one was shown to be wrong.
Something has to give very very soon because generation has lost significant meaning. Remember when JW were viewed as lunatics because of the blood doctrine. I also remember Dr. Ruth Westhimmer on the radio giving dangerous advice as innocuous or not very risky—- but then all of a sudden HIV hit and JW were vindicated. I remember Howard Stern say on his show: I am JW, man. There is an intense feeling at the moment that something is going to happen. But who knows 108 years later and so many date changes as you point out.
during the massacre of many witnesses at a kingdom hall in germany the other night, where was jehovah's holy spirit ?
In other words, why does God permit evil.
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of adam in wt calendar.
according to “all scriptures inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of adam and the creation of eve and her marriage to adam.
it was at that point in time when eve was created that marked the end of the 6th creative day and the beginning of god’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in genesis.
Jews not considering the Torah to be history.
Reform Jews consider the Chumash as allegorical.
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of adam in wt calendar.
according to “all scriptures inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of adam and the creation of eve and her marriage to adam.
it was at that point in time when eve was created that marked the end of the 6th creative day and the beginning of god’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in genesis.
So, where I can I specifically go to see Jewish Bibles or some other Jewish books
Soncino Books of the Bible is a great reference. Rashi Torah with Onkelos with English Translation by Rosenbaum and Silverman, Magil’s Linear.