Literally the blind leading the blind
If they are lying like blind dead fake gods.
we all know that despite many scriptures to the contrary, jw's believe that when they die, their consciousness will cease.
my question is this: what will be the likely reaction of jw's if they find themselves conscious after death?.
Literally the blind leading the blind
If they are lying like blind dead fake gods.
one of the recent threads on the talk about the hailstone message got me to thinking.
the problem with putting out a message like that is what to do when nothing happens.
i have to think that somebody will be asking that question.
Jef, It is not about JW interpreting correct or incorrect what the Bible means. I think that for the most part, JW have deciphered the Bible.
The one and only issue now is WHEN. When will God act. JW have been coming up with dates but that is not prophecy or false prophecy when the dates dod not realize but only interpretation.
one of the recent threads on the talk about the hailstone message got me to thinking.
the problem with putting out a message like that is what to do when nothing happens.
i have to think that somebody will be asking that question.
RB, When Jesus restored the ear that Peter cut off, nobody noticed. Imagine Jesus resurrecting the dead and performing miracles in public view. That is why Jesus replied to the Pharisees The kingdom of God is on your midsts. So it is not a coincidence. —Albeit, my point which I highlighted with my other posts is a reply to the perception that JW out in the ministry talk about people getting destroyed and JW keeping their property. I think I’ve replied to that.
we all know that despite many scriptures to the contrary, jw's believe that when they die, their consciousness will cease.
my question is this: what will be the likely reaction of jw's if they find themselves conscious after death?.
every agonising death…..
Of course I understand, Cofty.
One time in service, Cofty, I saw a totally blind man and I felt so helpless that I could do nothing for him. I thought about that this man was doomed for the rest of his life to be blind with no hope whatsoever for a cure and I figured that he might be angry with God. So, I approached him and asked him about God expecting to hear something angry from him but to my surprise the blind man said to me: “No! God helps me.” So he obviously had a relationship with God. It was touching. What also brings tears to my eyes is the gospel story when JC tells the leper I want to. But it is so devastating to see not only people but animals with their unique personalities doomed in life. It is so sad and painful. For example, a baby”s laughter. The Bible says that God is going to act someday. I believe it.
one of the recent threads on the talk about the hailstone message got me to thinking.
the problem with putting out a message like that is what to do when nothing happens.
i have to think that somebody will be asking that question.
Do you perceive yourself as getting a mental impression from angels to go to specific homes,
No. The point is trust in divine backing. Which JW teach and also angelic direction. In reply to personal sneering and desire of the houses of others.
one of the recent threads on the talk about the hailstone message got me to thinking.
the problem with putting out a message like that is what to do when nothing happens.
i have to think that somebody will be asking that question.
you and you buddies discuss which homes you would like to move into
Never. The angels direct to which homes people might respond. The work is done after prayer. The desire is to somehow help people and give them hope for something better and to draw them to God. The greatest joy is to help people even in the least. Like hoping your son will listen to you instead of being in danger. That is what it’s about. Who wants to deliver a message of doom to someone you want to help?
we all know that despite many scriptures to the contrary, jw's believe that when they die, their consciousness will cease.
my question is this: what will be the likely reaction of jw's if they find themselves conscious after death?.
The argument is that God put man and woman in a Utopian environment. Adam was commanded not to eat a poison fruit that would cause his death. He ate it anyway. God had other plans for Adam —too bad. By God’s mercy, humanity ( you and me ) was given a chance to live. Sadly, it hasn’t been easy for anybody but God has a cure, a remedy. It is painful and takes a long time to kick in but it is a cure. That’s the explanation.
one of the recent threads on the talk about the hailstone message got me to thinking.
the problem with putting out a message like that is what to do when nothing happens.
i have to think that somebody will be asking that question.
“This GOOD NEWS of the kingdom” is not a message of doom. Just like Noah entered the Ark, they took no note.
we all know that despite many scriptures to the contrary, jw's believe that when they die, their consciousness will cease.
my question is this: what will be the likely reaction of jw's if they find themselves conscious after death?.
Either way, the next conscious moment after death, you will face the inevitable.
I think the realization comes during one’s life or shortly before death. Sort of like the dance of death in the movie Once Upon a Time in the West when Bronson puts the harmonica between Fonda’s teeth, then he knows. He was forced to see.
we all know that despite many scriptures to the contrary, jw's believe that when they die, their consciousness will cease.
my question is this: what will be the likely reaction of jw's if they find themselves conscious after death?.
GOD’S TRUTH ON THE MATTER. Research research research
“..spirit goes out, it goes back to God. In that day his thoughts perish”
The way I read the verse is that the life force that animates the person leaves the body and the mortal creature ceases to exist. —That is to say until the creature is resurrected from the dead. But in the meantime the dead know nothing. That is why Job said “all my days of compulsory service I shall wait” and -Lord I know he will rise on the last day-and Jesus was the firstborn to spirit life from the dead. Prior to Jesus the dead were not conscious and needed a resurrection. Same thing after Jesus. The dead still need a resurrection. No point in creating a tree of life if you don’t really die. All creatures are mortal. Only God is Almighty and everlasting. However, God can give a creature immortality. That’s how I read the Bible.