Numbers 33:1-5
“But Rameses may here refer to a district, and it may be that the Israelites pulled away from all parts of the district, converging on Succoth as the place of rendezvous. Numbers 33:3-5”
“This would allow for Moses to have been at Pharaoh’s palace on the night of the tenth plague and, before the next day’s end, to begin leading the people of Israel on their march out of Egypt.” Insight Book p723 Volume 2
According to WT literature, again TD, Passover meal is on Nisan 13 sundown when Nisan14 begins and not Nisan 14 sundown when Passover day ends. Therefore, Nisan 13 evening was the day of the last supper on Thursday evening (but in the Jewish calendar it was Friday Nisan 14 “AM” the beginning of Passover day) The last supper couldn’t be on Friday night because Jesus was killed on Friday Nisan 14 33CE around 3PM, the day of Preparation for the Sabbath which was on Nisan 15. So, the evidence points to Jews-at least Jesus and his Apostles-celebrating the passover back in 33 same day JW do nowadays before Rabbinical Javneh post 2nd Temple Rabbinical Judaism “saved from the coffin.” —Anyway, that’s JW“stride” at this time as I read the literature.