It was God’s law that sinners were to be punished not man’s so when delegated authority punishes sinners God is vicariously punishing sinners and it is a misrepresentation to say that it’s hunky-dory to commit sins and religious authority is wrong for taking action and point to this woman as an example of being mistreated as if sexual immorality is right and any rebuke she may have gotten was wrong. The guilty becomes the victim and sin and depravity is sanctified. Zacheus the despised tax collector is another example of how people can repent and God’s love and mercy and compassion. Don’t use these examples to vilify the condemnation of sin (shun) because any ostracism came vicariously from God and condemn the righteous and victimize the sinner. ( It is so funny watching on the media how people living depraved lives act tike victims when society is outraged. ) The moral of the Samaritan woman’s story is that God understands and sees the heart and forgives and mitigates what a person did in the past and forgives like a father without holding a grudge. It’s not about it’s wrong to shun or punish wrongdoers.
hard to understand how you could conclude this
I try reading. For example she articulated belief in the Messiah to come. That takes faith. Faith is a virtue.—One example of something I read in the Bible.