honest readers who might also want to know about the method used
Thanks again for kindly posting the data and its source. State the facts and answer the questions if you like and let everybody believe what they like. Don’t get so upset and emotional about it.
I don’t remember reading your solstice argument anywhere before but it has been many years since I’ve I really focused on this -607 topic which you are highlighting solstice . I have some questions about the computation and algorithm that derives the date of the solstice. Are these results written in stone or are there tolerances and variables of error and is the programming based on belief or fact? I am not attempting to undermine the integrity of the program. For example as you already know, we JW believe -607 based on our interpretation of Bible chronology not based on science or archeology although using them to try to give support to our interpretations and JW publish not only our beliefs but also how and why. I know in the past, WT challenged c14 dating and stand firm on Noah’s flood based on validation by JC vis-à-vis scientific interpretation of geology, etc.
—But my above commentary is immaterial to what can be concluded from the evidence for and against -588/-568 which is my only interest under this thread.