they debate on this forum, which is "verboten" to faithful JWs.
I never would have even lurked sua sponte. I was hoodwinked in here by a trusted JW friend. Once inside what I read from the posters was very challenging at first. I hadn’t considered the logic and some posters were so funny I couldn’t stop laughing. I was very confrontational at first because what I read was so shocking but Simon tolerated it and kindly let me stay.
It ain’t the messenger, it is the message so the posted information either had basis or were lies and I couldn’t just pretend I didn’t read it so I had to in all fairness and objectivity investigate and get to the bottom of this to satisfy my mind. There are a lot of interesting discussions and information here so I stayed. My approach in this forum is not directly as a defense attorney of JW school of thought but as a truth finding forum publicly evaluating JW stuff and having fun having academic discussions with a lot of smart people about other stuff too. Some substances are a matter of fact others are interpretation of facts and others are beliefs or schools of thoughts. My school of thought is JW.
I view DF from the position of the heart of a father that wants his son back and not as an elder brother that competes. Or a penal code that is crafted to punish. Believe as you wish and leave me alone on how I like to practice JW religion. You don't like it, too bad is what I tell people when they start scrutinizing my JW conduct.