The notion that something came out of nothing is utter bullocks unless one is deluded by Krauss’s pseudo-science that nothing is something to begin with. In that case,however, something came out of something -call it nothing. Something must be infinite and that is that.
Given living organisms to begin with and their inherent drive and nature, organisms change and evolve according to empirical science evidence. But the mechanisms and drives and laws and descriptive properties of the universe could not evolve, they must have always existed or created from something; also, substances such as life, consciousness and love and justice and intelligence must always have existed.
Evolution could not evolve on its own. It is an inherent nature of organisms that causes them to change towards adaption and survival. Take for example organisms living at the lowest point in the ocean or in very harsh or acid environments. But you still need a living organism to begin with and the evolution mechanism in it.
The tiger is dressed for the kill. TD pointed out that he couldn’t have been naked in Eden up until the flood. So the question is did they have tigers in Eden and what did they actually eat. And what does the Bible say the tigers ate before the flood