There are a things that are destined to change if the end doesn’t come —soon: the adjudication of sin, the role of females in the congregation, the elder, servant body class, the congregation management policy, FDS and the anointed definition and status, blood, hierarchy.
Male and female anointed get to be kings in heaven but while on earth they are the same as everybody else. Also, those in positions of authority roles in the congregation have the purpose of management and spiritual assistance but not leadership. There is a harsh approach to management nowadays which will surely change.
WT made the representation in the past of a special “channel of communication “ but later wt admitted in the literature that although HS is a factor in JW work that there is no special communication than everyone else’s inside the org. —So JW know that WT claims are real because JW have a real relationship with God but there is no position of special standing in comparison to everyone else.