" A leap of Faith" One cannot even establish that the Bible is the word of God. It takes........
Regarding the cong of Lao and Jesus siting on the throne. I want to cite an example : in the book GTO, COJ comments on Jesus words "I saw satan falling..." what did Jesus mean. COJ explains that satan had not fallen yet. HIs view is very persuasive when coj explains that satan was defeated when jesus died and could not threat the woman and the child anymore. Anyway, Coj expalins that although Jesus said that he saw satn falling, that event had not yet occured.
THe Bible is like that ANN. It is not a text book it is an ambiguous poetic and ironic riddle.
Jesus told his disciples"To you it has been granted to understand the sacred.. of the kindom.. to those outside it is not granted" According this statement, one can derrive that only Jesus disciples can understand certain things. Ithink that it was minimus that said one can use the Bible to PROVE anything. Even wts teaching on the pararousia is at the very least possible.
Did you read AF's article on the ransom? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AF's article puts into question a lot of things but he doesnt know for a fact and neither do I if the ransom teaching and the doctrines about having to earn salvation and to suffer again after Jesus paid are true.
Its paid for. No more debt. I have never read anything so persuasive than that. I am sure that article has not only influenced my thinking but that of millions!!
And yet we have to wait and see because we dont know. To be safe I accept the ransom and have my sins forgiven. But after reading that article I do not pretend to profess that I understand the ransom. It does not make sense to me. But who am I? And who said that things have to make perfect sense?
But none of this disproves wts dogmas or doctrines about parousia.