THe wts has a perspective on blood. According to wts Bible understanding on blood, blood must ne dealt with in a special way by jws. Jws believe that blood represents life to God and therefore it is better that a person die than to somehow direspect the life it represents. In other words, to jws, blood is more important than the life it represents to God.
Jws recognize that they eat blood. THey know that it is impossible to extract every blood fraction from a dead chicken or cow, etc. So, when consuming meat they are aware that they are also eating some blood with it, but that is in accordance with the BIble because ancient Bible law observer also ate some blood with their meat. THe issue with jws is that blood cannot be used for any purpose whatsoever and so jws are enjoined from using blood in a way that vilated their understanding of the Bible,
The contradiction in jw belief is that they benefit too from the sinful way blood is used by others in the production of vaccines, blood fractions, and other things. The problem is not the resultant kosher product containing microscopics amounts of blood but that perhaps gallons of blood was misused acccording to their doctrine to produce the end produce that they too use.
In all fairness though, more people have died from infected blood than from refusing blood transfusions.
At one time vaccines and organ transplants were dangerous and risky, the same can be said about blood. I personally have known individuals that have died from infected blood and I also know individuals that were cured because of blood during an operation in the past. THe obejection that I have with blood is infection and medical and that I loathe getting injected with someones body fluids. My mentality is a result of wts indoctrination. I stiil feel this way. I am not sure about the religious part of it. I am not sure.
I do not feel that anyone should be allowed to die having medical options available to save his life even blood.