am not interested in discussing faith issues with someone who distains Christian faith.
Well said, Van!
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
am not interested in discussing faith issues with someone who distains Christian faith.
Well said, Van!
several years ago i was having a conversation with a neighbor inside a store and he told me that he was in the park one day with a friend who was then struck by lightning and after a few moments after being struck they walked away from there and while they were walking away my neighbor told me that his friend got hit by lightning a second time ki&&ing him.
after telling me this story lightning struck and we heard thunder.
coincidence or act of god?
Several years ago I was having a conversation with a neighbor inside a store and he told me that he was in the park one day with a friend who was then struck by lightning and after a few moments after being struck they walked away from there and while they were walking away my neighbor told me that his friend got hit by lightning a second time ki&&ing him. After telling me this story lightning struck and we heard thunder. Coincidence or act of God? But I’ve been noticing for a while that after having a conversation with someone or sending someone a message, after opening up TikTok, the same subject is on the TikTok. How many times this needs to happen for it not to be a coincidence?
i’ve always had a personal relationship with god that is not affected by any issues or controversies i have with anybody..
I’ve always had a personal relationship with God that is not affected by any issues or controversies I have with anybody.
according to news reports, the polio virus has been spreading in ny waters since april of this year.
polio is a crippling disease that affects the bones.
i actually know someone that had polio and is crippled shrinking the length of his arm and leg.
It’s not spreading
Also read that it was found in UK too. I don’t know what to believe. I’ll wait and see.
there seems to be a push to fast track the younger men to become elders.
beings jesus was 30 when he took up his ministry, i would think that would sort of be an age gauge...the older men were to have their children in subjection, so some were old enough to have children that were old enough to want to rebel.
( that's my slant ) how will the ones who have been jw for years respond to being counseled by those younger than some of their grandchildren?
Elders and ministerial servants are less likely to leave the truth.”
Like everyone else the main reason people get df is $ex. Being an elder or having any other position doesn’t make a person less vulnerable. People leave the cong or stop attending mainly because they get angry about something or they are stumbled. And being an elder or an aspiring ms being in a position of power and authority shields the elder from being hurt by others and since that is the main reason for leaving that is why the elder is likely to stay enjoying respect and position and authority over others and the spiritual satisfaction and the pleasure that comes from this, so because elders are less likely to have bitter feelings resulting from feelings of being mistreated are less likely to leave. Young bros are very eager to be leaders and bucking for position but it’s not like the old days where they were likely to wait a long time until the cong was good are ready to appoint them. Realizing they may need to wait a long time to qualify may cause them to give up.
This is the human element of the org being considered as a variable. Everyone though is in the org because they are believers and people don’t leave because they change their minds although that may come after but they leave because of feelings seems to me.
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
In the first century, the disciples saw all the parts of Jesus’s prophecy being fulfilled and realized it was the sign he told them as they saw all those things occur whereas to everybody else of that wicked generation it wasn’t a sign nor did they realize it was nor concur with the apostles that it was. They rejected the preaching work and neither did they flee Jerusalem when they saw the Roman armies or believe it was a sign. To that evil generation the sign that Jesus gave to his disciples wasn’t a sign for them but it was for his disciples.
The sign that we @ JW have been preaching about all these years too although experienced by and affecting everyone like in the first century is not viewed as the sign of the last days either by people in general.
i met freddie franz who was born in the 1880’s and many others from the 1880’s.
but as a very small child i remember someone very old aged 106 and that person was born around 1856 which means that he was around people from the 1700’s..
first I thought this thread was just an innocent question
It is.
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
The generation Jesus talked about would experience the aforementioned composite sign as well as the events of the great tribulation.
39 In reply he said to them: “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Joʹnah the prophet.
obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
the exact opposite of what Jesus taught about the last generation , all fulfillments.The point is that the length of “this generation” is limited to the age of the second group of anointed.
according to news reports, the polio virus has been spreading in ny waters since april of this year.
polio is a crippling disease that affects the bones.
i actually know someone that had polio and is crippled shrinking the length of his arm and leg.