peacefulpete6 minutes ago
I believe they will drop it with a wave of the hand and burst of magician's flash paper.
JW FDS claim they saw the sign in 1914.
the wt engages in history revisionism when insisting the world changed overnight in 1914. in fact the european power struggles that came to a head were centuries old.
millions of lives had been lost in the wars of the 19th century, with the world a powder keg the years prior to the assassination of franz ferdinand in june 1914 which is often said, albeit rather arbitrarily, as the start of the war that escalated over the next 4 years into the great war.
take a look at these two pages and ask if the wt's interpretation of history seems accurate to you.
I believe they will drop it with a wave of the hand and burst of magician's flash paper.
JW FDS claim they saw the sign in 1914.
the wt engages in history revisionism when insisting the world changed overnight in 1914. in fact the european power struggles that came to a head were centuries old.
millions of lives had been lost in the wars of the 19th century, with the world a powder keg the years prior to the assassination of franz ferdinand in june 1914 which is often said, albeit rather arbitrarily, as the start of the war that escalated over the next 4 years into the great war.
take a look at these two pages and ask if the wt's interpretation of history seems accurate to you.
think the Borg and it's actions are cutting 'loose' the 1914 sentiment.
False. For the reasons I gave and more.
It is mentioned less and less
True. There is nothing more to add. The gt did not come as per JW expectations and as JW said it would. The great tribulation must now come and validate JW.
the wt engages in history revisionism when insisting the world changed overnight in 1914. in fact the european power struggles that came to a head were centuries old.
millions of lives had been lost in the wars of the 19th century, with the world a powder keg the years prior to the assassination of franz ferdinand in june 1914 which is often said, albeit rather arbitrarily, as the start of the war that escalated over the next 4 years into the great war.
take a look at these two pages and ask if the wt's interpretation of history seems accurate to you.
When they finally cut the anchor of 1914
Generation is still tethered to 1914 and and so is the climax of Jesus’s presence, the GT, and the preaching work. And most important, the kingdom is in place since 1914.
the wt engages in history revisionism when insisting the world changed overnight in 1914. in fact the european power struggles that came to a head were centuries old.
millions of lives had been lost in the wars of the 19th century, with the world a powder keg the years prior to the assassination of franz ferdinand in june 1914 which is often said, albeit rather arbitrarily, as the start of the war that escalated over the next 4 years into the great war.
take a look at these two pages and ask if the wt's interpretation of history seems accurate to you.
Russell's terminology should be evaluated in the context of his own usage.
I understand what Russel taught. WT does not say Russel is Joseph Smith or the rule. WT has a different understanding now about Christ’s return as I mentioned. So, JW beliefs do not depend upon interpreting CTR. WT also agrees with many things Russel taught not because Russel taught them but because when WT interprets the Bible on their own they arrive at the same understanding as Russel did.
the wt engages in history revisionism when insisting the world changed overnight in 1914. in fact the european power struggles that came to a head were centuries old.
millions of lives had been lost in the wars of the 19th century, with the world a powder keg the years prior to the assassination of franz ferdinand in june 1914 which is often said, albeit rather arbitrarily, as the start of the war that escalated over the next 4 years into the great war.
take a look at these two pages and ask if the wt's interpretation of history seems accurate to you.
Second Coming and Second Presence were virtually interchangeable.
Not at all to JW. No second coming or second presence.Neither term second or coming applies to 1914. According to JW, Jesus returned invisibility in 1914, the beginning of his parausia, climaxing in the revelation of the Son of Man at the great tribulation. But to JW, Jesus did not “come” again.
Russell (according to himself) adopted the idea of an invisible presence around 1876.
I think WT reference Sir Isaac Newton sharing a similar belief.
the wt engages in history revisionism when insisting the world changed overnight in 1914. in fact the european power struggles that came to a head were centuries old.
millions of lives had been lost in the wars of the 19th century, with the world a powder keg the years prior to the assassination of franz ferdinand in june 1914 which is often said, albeit rather arbitrarily, as the start of the war that escalated over the next 4 years into the great war.
take a look at these two pages and ask if the wt's interpretation of history seems accurate to you.
1914 Myth
Only your opinion. 1914 is scripturally possible as JW claim. So at the very least, it is arguable.
the wt engages in history revisionism when insisting the world changed overnight in 1914. in fact the european power struggles that came to a head were centuries old.
millions of lives had been lost in the wars of the 19th century, with the world a powder keg the years prior to the assassination of franz ferdinand in june 1914 which is often said, albeit rather arbitrarily, as the start of the war that escalated over the next 4 years into the great war.
take a look at these two pages and ask if the wt's interpretation of history seems accurate to you.
The term second coming was stopped being used by JW many years ago as misnomer and replaced with return and invisible presence.
—Also, I don’t know if it is more accurate to say that in 1914, Jesus was given power rather than authority because JC had asserted before that all authority had been given to him. What do you think?
so, just posted on jw.borg:.
as of march 2023, the hour requirement for pioneers, which was suspended during the pandemic, will once again be enforced.. elders will review the activity of all pioneers in june 2023. if it appears that any do not have a “practical schedule” (aren’t getting at least close to 70 hours per month”), elders are to “kindly and frankly discuss their circumstances”.. what’s that sound that seems like a torpedo plane diving on its target?
that’s the sound of the number of regular pioneers in complete free fall .
What is the point of being a pioneer nowadays?
As one of the greats on this forum, you always have a point: Pioneers nowdays don’t enjoy the specialties of the old days.
Except that pioneers are still viewed as a full time servant and also viewed as such by the fds with any benefits that may come at any point in time or entitled to as such by the WT. And you hold rank in the cong which is important to people especially for “sisters”. Some feel a duty to God to do as much hours as they can even more hours than pioneers but won’t take on the assignment for reasons you gave, not to be humiliated if deleted. Whatever the case, someone who puts in so many hours of personal time in this Bible activity (which is what all JW are supposed to be doing) can be taken seriously by other JW.
if anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
No hard evidence could convince the Jews that Jesus is the Messiah. They didn’t want it.
if anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
Jesus didn't teach this doctrine anyway.
“When the son of mam is revealed.” It suits the same poetic irony that Jesus’s invisible presence is congruent in vision to his first century mission when that generation were spiritually blind so as not to mentally discern that Bible prophecy was fulfilled and the Messiah was in their midsts.