cofty, in addition to everything that I have posted which you regard as nothing, I also referenced a WT article which also falsifies your theory. I don’t want to put the article in my own words because you will also regard it as nothing, but find the article online and read it if you wish. Also, TD’s reply also applies to you, the gentleman’s definition vis-à-vis authoritative definition.
I don’t want to win an argument with you. I have acknowledged that you have highlighted an interesting point about 2 sorts of blood. Blood would have no atonement value at all after an animal or Jesus was killed or sacrificed if it didn’t have that value to begin with. Why not the the heart or the liver? Because the life is in the blood. You are very mistaken. The Act of killing a creature doesn’t make blood sacred to God. It is not the act but the blood because “the soul is in the blood”.