The great crowd comes out of (i.e. survives) the great tribulation and those people did not even live to see it.
How does that debunk 1914? And how does mistaken interpretations of the Bible by JW falsify the Bible or disqualify JW as God’s agency?
How would you explain to a survivor of Auschwitz that what they were told in 1935 was wrong?
In Rev, Jesus told the congregations back then that he was coming quickly but they died and he never showed up. When they were faced with persecution and death did they suffer from amnesia? And how about Peter and the other Apostles, did they lose faith? JW don't need WT to validate the reality of their relationship with God and the conviction that the promises about eternal life are true whether or not WT interpretations about timing are mistaken. The 1935 was a flash of light nevertheless because it clarified the two destinies.