Maybe not. It’s interpretation.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
Maybe not. It’s interpretation.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
Hi Waton
How would they prove that?
that’s all we need, to lose china’s economic friendship.
since the chinese explained it was a friendly balloon, shouldn’t we expect the same from china?.
nice try to create a precedent though, for later shooting down anything above the South China Sea ( west philippine area)
I was thinking the same thing.
i'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
resulting in most leaving and a few breakaway sects
You don’t grasp that there are witnesses that testified to the sign that is believed to validate 1914. What are they going to say now, they made it up? There are events integrated with 1914 that are believed to fulfill Bible prophecy such as the Nation against nation, etc. Now disintegrate 1914? The authority of the FDS after the establishment of the Messianic kingdom in the heavens stands on 1914. Say that never happened? The anointed testified they saw a sign aka miraculous proof, empirical evidence from God? And now to say that the sign had nothing to do with 1914 or that they never experienced the sign? JW expect to be vindicated when the great tribulation realizes. JW stands on the establishment of the Messianic kingdom in the heavens in 1914.
The faith of JW does not stand on Bible interpretation but on a perceived and experienced relationship with God. JW want and need the relief the realization of Bible promises will bring but they don’t need any more proof to make their faith any stronger. They are convinced in the resurrection, eternal life on earth and the joy and fulfillment the Bible promises. They will go to their graves believing that even if they don’t see the realization of the end. So nobody is going to leave even if 1914 was abandoned—which is impossible for the reasons I gave, that is to say for true believers. Also, I don’t think most people grasp or realize ir understand- like yourself-the standing of 1914 so even if 1914 was taken away nobody would realize its importance and wouldn’t leave for that reason. But that is just hypothetical because 1914 is whenGod’s kingdom is believed to have started ruling and it is integrated with the theology of JW.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
The genetic bottleneck, the cheetah nearly went extinct about 10K years ago, the number of breeding pairs required with higher mammals, the story just doesn't work.
Thank you TD for your always esteemed and always eagerly anticipated commentary.
There are 2 aspects of the Bible, that the information comes from God and therefore God’s Word and true AND what it means or how a person interprets what the Bible says. For example, before science could prove the contrary, JW interpreted the Bible to say that each day of creation is 7000 years long, but later compared to scientific evidence, science proved that the earth and the universe have been around for a bit longer than that but because the Bible is believed to be the infallible word of God, the interpretation of how long is a day of creation was falsified —but not the Bible. That is to say, the Bible was not falsified to believers like myself that God is the source of the information found in the Bible. You suggest that the Bible story of Noah conflicts with what is believed to be scientific evidence against it. But Jesus and the Christian Scriptures validate the story of Noah as true (that is to say that the story is not allegorical) and not a myth —to believers.
There will come a point at some point in time when believers will either be totally vindicated —or debunked and totally defeated but believers are convinced that will never happen. At present, empirical science hasn’t disproven what the Bible says about Noah inspite of scientific conclusions and beliefs. Nevertheless, your commentary is interesting.
that’s all we need, to lose china’s economic friendship.
since the chinese explained it was a friendly balloon, shouldn’t we expect the same from china?.
That’s all we need, to lose China’s economic friendship. Since the Chinese explained it was a friendly balloon, shouldn’t we expect the same from China?
“supplies of offensive weapons to the kyiv regime would lead to a global catastrophe,” state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said.
“if washington and nato supply weapons that would be used for striking peaceful cities and making attempts to seize our territory as they threaten to do, it would trigger a retaliation with more powerful weapons.”.
what is russia implying?
Everybody has nuclear weapons not just Russia. But and thats a big but
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
No. He came in the clouds of heaven in AD 70 in judgment on Jerusale
“When the Son of man arrives in all his power and gloryTHEN he will sit on his glorious throne …as a shepherd separates sheep from goats…” You know very well this did not happen in 70. In fact it was the Romans that destroyed Jerusalem and then the world stayed the same whereas Dan 2 says that God’s messianic kingdom aka Jesus coming with the clouds will destroy kingdoms such as the Roman Empire. God uses lovers of the religions to destroy or punish religions. He doesn’t do that directly whereas Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven will destroy human governments according to Bible prophecy and that did not happen in 70 although you like to believe that.
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
we at JW see it.
All I meant is that is how JW see it, including me.
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
Since it was explicitly expected within a generation of Jesus (after the ‘great tribulation’ from 66-70CE)
The foretold GT realized within a generation whether generation meant 70 or 80 years or before the death of all the Apostles in the first century . Part of the great tribulation prophecy also foretells the Parousia which obviously did not occur in 70 because in Revelation Jesus refers to another GT which would precede the Millennium to which the olivette prophecy fully applies: the separation of the sheep and the goats, all the tribes of the earth involved, and the final judgment of mankind as Revelation explains. I’ve already explained JW view. Believe what you like. Very interesting observation that the 1C Christians were expecting Jesus to return after 70 but since Jesus describes another gt in Revelation detailing the fall of Babylon the Great, Armageddon, etc, his coming with the clouds of heaven ( which was ironically alluded to during his ascension) is related to the great tribulation referred to in Revelation after the gt of 70CE. Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven implies invisibility and the significance of every eye will see him means with the eye of understanding such as with someone that rejects all evidence until he is checkmated and forced to see and admit his defeat —with poetic justice and in the poetic language of the Bible.
That’s how we at JW see it. You have your view.