The point where I begin having a problem is when a religious person casts that "rule" aside when it becomes inconvenient..
JW literature in often wrong on matters of basic science.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
The point where I begin having a problem is when a religious person casts that "rule" aside when it becomes inconvenient..
JW literature in often wrong on matters of basic science.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
Any way I can get more info about that? Is he still a JW?
Hi Magnum, I sincerely enjoy your sincere posts.
JW obviously know the scientific evidence without a pet doc pointing it out. I also think I’ve answered your question in my posts.
Many decades ago, a very young man speaking with a JW scientist who was also in the WT writing team also said ( the scientist) that the wolf and lamb prophecy and predators eating straw is symbolic referring to personalities and spoke about livestock and eating steak in Paradise— I vividly remember. He also had the same delightful style as TD. The point is that JW don’t know besides interpreting what the Bible says. From a human felt interpretation the Almighty how could it be paradise with living creatures attacking other living creatures feeling pain and suffering and crying out to God with more trees than stars in the milkyway that csn produce food?
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
TD, I’ve kindly explained the parameters JW use that apply to leadership, policy and commentary. Take for example Luke, he is credited with writing a gospel and Acts. Because the Bible says that God entrusted his written word to the Jews, JW commentators don’t ignore Colossians but conclude anyway that Luke was a Jew, so when prey pray, crying out to God for food or for salvation from a predator, does the One opening his hand and satisfying the desire of every thing listen in future paradise or to be eaten alive while everybody else is enjoying Utopia? Therefore, when the Bible says that during Eden, animals ate vegetation juxtaposition a lion built for the kill as you have shown, how should JW thinkers like me and writers of JW literature interpret the Bible? That it is inconsistent? Jesus’s Parousia depends on the flood of Noah: “So the presence of the son of man will be.”—No flood, no presence. Since Jesus’s Parousia began in 1914 to JW, the Noah’s story is also consistent with with JW teaching in JW commentary as JW interpret the Bible in-spite of scientific presents that challenge the Bible at present. As I posted earlier, ultimately but not at this time, the Bible will either be vindicated or scientifically debunked. In the meantime, the story of Noah is arguably true within the realm of science.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
Dr. TD,
Thank you for your elegant and informative inked commentary.
it is a complete repudiation of the argument of intelligent design
We have scientists that understand this, and so do our commentators who interpret what the Bible means and their role is not defense lawyer, they personally have to be convinced—like me. In my previous post I highlighted (and it is axiomatic professor, that you understand this) a distinction between what the Bible says and interpretation of the evidence. Our position as JW is that we consider the Bible inspired and infallible, the word of God: 2 Peter 1:20,21. That is our premise, that is our evidence, that is our rule and method and approach when we interpret the Bible —2Timothy 3:16. ( For example, if you carefully notice the wording in the Insight Book article commenting on the story of Noah, it doesn’t try to refute the science that challenges the story, basically it says that the Bible claims to be inspired and that is what the Bible says in the story of Noah. JW are not making that claim, the Bible is and JW did not write the story of Noah, it is given to us and validated by the prophet Isaiah, Jesus and the writings of the Apostles, all having their credentials validated with empirical evidence from God recorded in the Bible. JW method uses the rule that the information in the Bible is true so it doesn’t try to contradict what the Bible says although what the Bible means might be subjective. The story of Noah is not allegorical according to the Bible, it is historical. But you remarkably showed in your well written linked article professor that the biology and physiology of the eating and digestive mechanisms of animals could only have been designed for that special purpose vis-à-vis the Word of God that says all animals ate vegetation prior to the flood. How would you interpret that with the given parameters, though?
It is mathematically possible that Noah and his sons populated the earth. TD showed that it is not genetically possible given today’s genetics were the same at the time of the flood. But how do we know they were? I am not refuting the genetic evidence. I believe the Noah story because God’s Word says it happened. It does not say it was allegorical. However, I take note of the challenging evidence. All bets are on.
that’s all we need, to lose china’s economic friendship.
since the chinese explained it was a friendly balloon, shouldn’t we expect the same from china?.
Balloon was supposedly above Montana, the location of US ICBM.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
If the "rules" can bent or broken then there's not much point in discussing mathematical possibilities.
God does not exist in the lab when taking a measurement
therefore a doctor is not looking for a miracle to treat disease. He doesn’t factor in God. WT commentary concludes that the Bible is in phase with science so that means that the story of Noah should also be within the realms of natural rules of possibility therefore the whole story of Noah —not just in populating the earth— needs to be naturally possible and cannot conflict with science even if arguably so and not need a miracle to make some parts fit in, the animals in the ark, the lifespan of humans, the waters covering the earth, the genetics of Noahs 3 sons and their 3 wives, etc. Is the story of Noah arguably possible within the explanation of science, WT believes it is—at this time. Dinosaurs thrived in the north pole at one time.
that’s all we need, to lose china’s economic friendship.
since the chinese explained it was a friendly balloon, shouldn’t we expect the same from china?.
There was a recent commentary by a politician that it is the intention of China to mock the US with these balloons implying that the US in in decline.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
Neither is a matter of interpretation.
They are because variables in the past that may affect the experiment are assumed have not changed, for example.
I look at the sun but the sun in not actually there because I am looking at the sun in the past. If the sun suddenly disappeared from the sky, I would still see it and experience its physical effects from its past existence. —So it is observed vis-à-vis reality.
I am not convinced that the Bible story of Noah is debunked by science.
bible says flood occurred approximately 4000 years ago.
that is about *200 generations of breeding to get to the population on earth now.
keep in mind that the population increase is geometric.
cofy my fine featherd friend!
ALL of the evidence proves there was no global flood.
That does not represent what I wrote. I meant that the miracles were convincing evidence to the observers to put faith in Jesus’s words.
i'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
Jeffro, all you do is go off into tangent irrelevancies such as they are not anointed and mix in your commentary. The issue is not whether or not they are anointed but their testimony in that role whether or not they are ( the parentheses is seen by the reader) . It is axiomatic that if they are lying about being anointed the testimony is bunk. That is not the subject here; it is the consistency of JW teaching and that JW cannot stop teaching 1914 for the reasons I gave. —What a waste of time responding to you.