they are broken down and excreted.
You understand very well that that is not always true because the body can eat itself by catabolizing (sounds like cannibalizing) protein into energy. If that happens to an organ that belonged to a donor, it is serving as a food source. Also, not all hemoglobin that is broken down is excreted. Some can be recycled or metabolized. If you are absorbing, consuming, ingesting, using —or whatever, your own blood, that is what your body naturally does but if you are consuming 1/2 gallon of whole blood that you have ingested or transplanted into your body via IV, how are you abstaining from blood as the decree commands within the definition of abstaining ? In every case in the Bible where conduct is restricted, what conduct is authorized is also defined. No Bible authorized use for blood is defined in the decree. Interestingly, the scriptures go on to explain as I mentioned previously how Christians should not go around investigating whether a meat is kosher for christians which could result in eating prohibited food whereas no further explanation is given on abstaining from blood.
As you pointed out, some vaccines are made from blood —or contain a little blood? and JW can take such vaccines and there is reasoning behind it that you find inconsistent. I’m just guessing but JW decision makers don’t find a reason that using vaccines violates the decree however putting a gallon or a a couple of pints of whole blood into a person’s body for medical reasons that can save a person’s life is understood by JW that it violates the decree.
What is difficult to understand about BT is that obeying God’s commands should result in life or good health but a person that refuses a blood transfusion in a medical emergency can die whereas taking one can either save a person’s life or give the person a chance to live —but with a possible health risk of a deadly disease like the surprise of aids or who knows what other effects to expect years down the line and with other people’s dna and chromosomes running through a person’s veins.