WT scholars have traditionally provided simple and compelling evidence based on the recognition of the 70 years of Jewish Exile and the fact that Judah was desolate for 70 years proved beyond doubt that the only possible date for the Fall of Jerusalem was 607 BCE.I agree without a doubt. 1. 539 is a historical fact and the end of the 70 years exile, minus 2 years or so for traveling back and other factors. Nothing could be simpler.
(What convinces me it is 607 and not 608 or 609 is WWI, Nation against Nation. ) JW view 1914 as a historical fact that Jesus became king. Given the 70 years desolation of Judah, 607 is indisputable. I think that archeology will vindicate the date if gt doesn’t come sooner.
The Bible never mentions 70 years of exile.
It does.