Thank you, TD for your kind and valuable information on this topic.
A person faced with the choice of death or a BT without God in the equation might logically choose a BT because the benefits outweigh the risks. There is really no other choice. You will die without it —trusting the doctor’s medical opinion. Whereas A JW would factor in God seems to me, based on personal experience and trusting that what “God’s Organization” teaches about BT comes from God. Logically, he would figure that even with God not a variable, he would always be in fear and waiting that something would blow up inside his body should he survive with the BT and could never have peace of mind, and would always wonder if he would have survived anyway without the BT. It seems that JW figures that, true violating the Decree ( assuming the teaching is correct) offends God for symbolic reasons but there must also be other health or medical reasons why God gave the command to abstain from blood in the Decree.
All this assumes the premise that the BT teaching is from God and not just human interpretation of scripture subject to error.