Because ExBeth….mentioned KGB.
How many years were you in BB
we from the old year books that some kgb undercover agents became elders in high up positions.. i wonder if this is going on today?
not just in russia but other congregations around the world?.
when you think how long it takes to become an elder and all the talks and maybe judicial committees they were involved with.. anyway i’m just throwing it out there if someone wanted to pay me i am a current elder who is pima about intelligence or chance involved with the origin of the universe.. .
Because ExBeth….mentioned KGB.
How many years were you in BB
we from the old year books that some kgb undercover agents became elders in high up positions.. i wonder if this is going on today?
not just in russia but other congregations around the world?.
when you think how long it takes to become an elder and all the talks and maybe judicial committees they were involved with.. anyway i’m just throwing it out there if someone wanted to pay me i am a current elder who is pima about intelligence or chance involved with the origin of the universe.. .
Albania wasnt part of the Soviet Union
Who said it was part of the Soviet Union. There was a JW broadcast about this with Mark Sanderson relating the story in tears how the gb has asked the bros that left to return to the org. The appointed elders were government agents and people just left the org. I don’t remember the country.
i was walking through a market today, and spotted lds cart witnessing.
so i thought, what the hell, i’ll give him a go.
i focused on the character of joe smith.
I had a Mormon approach me last week and invited me to his church. I declined and I also decide not to give him a reply about JW as I often when I informal witness. I’ve approached Mormons before out in service. They are very assertive snd confident with circular reasoning, equivocating and based on false premise. Can’t get anywhere in terms of logic.
What I found peculiar about a Mormon approaching me was that they usually want to Bringham Young, targeting young men and women and not middle age and older.
I remember Mormons coming in to WT literature counter in NYC and picking up some of our literature. They look like Bethelites. But I’ve been seeing hispanic Mormons and rarely someone blacks. Oh, I saw an Asian mormon. I was totally shocked. I knew somebody that was studying the Bible with Mormons and first thing they do as son as they can os to ask for 10 percent of your $$ moremoney. They are true believers though. With polygamy accepted in their religion the men can’t get into too much sexual problems which is the main reason JW are df.
we from the old year books that some kgb undercover agents became elders in high up positions.. i wonder if this is going on today?
not just in russia but other congregations around the world?.
when you think how long it takes to become an elder and all the talks and maybe judicial committees they were involved with.. anyway i’m just throwing it out there if someone wanted to pay me i am a current elder who is pima about intelligence or chance involved with the origin of the universe.. .
KGB undercover agents became Elders in high up positions.I wonder if this is going on today? Not just in Russia but other congregations around the world?
I think it happened in Albania or Romania? Do you remember which? And many of the friends left the congregation out of fear. Brother Sanderson gave a tearful discourse about it.
However: Not in the US or UK. They don’t need to because they have all the information they need about JW. Notwithstanding some special investigation.
it came to my attention that the covid-19 vaccine works by editing the genetic code of the mitochondrial dna, using gene therapy.. you should seriously question the moral implications of allowing a part of your dna to be modified.
does anyone have any concerns about this?if anyone has any questions, i can do my best to explain.
i personally find it very suspicious how they chose to word it, and conveniently inform us of this fact "after" people have taken the vaccine..
I guess it depends on how you look at it.
Well, given that it is a sin to harvest blood instead of pouring it on the ground, somebody is directly responsible to God for the sin of not disposing of the blood that is ultimately used to make vaccines and other products. That’s where the buck ends. But when God only tries one person for the sin and not everybody in the chain of production and consumption: “Well, by the time it got to me, it was very diluted” Yeah, but you were part of the chain based on sin. Where is the justice? The one’s benefiting from sinful conduct are not liable because the final product is diluted out?
On the one hand covid vaccine is quasi compulsory if you want to be in some areas? but on the other hand a vaccine such as anti-venom or rabies is up to your conscience? even if your conscience kills you. Nobody will compel you or try to convince you to take the vaccine facing death because the vaccine contains blood.
Ultimately if any blood was used in the production of a vaccine, somebody is accountable to God fo the blood that was not disposed of, if doing that is a sin.
it came to my attention that the covid-19 vaccine works by editing the genetic code of the mitochondrial dna, using gene therapy.. you should seriously question the moral implications of allowing a part of your dna to be modified.
does anyone have any concerns about this?if anyone has any questions, i can do my best to explain.
i personally find it very suspicious how they chose to word it, and conveniently inform us of this fact "after" people have taken the vaccine..
Understood that the final vaccine might contain small amounts of blood —which is allowed by JW and consumed. But my question is, to produce the final vaccine, are they working with gallons of whole blood to make any vaccine.
For example, if thousands of gallons of blood from slaughtered chickens or rabbits or cows were collected to make vaccines or other products, a JW could not do that seems to me. But consuming a final product made from tons of blood but only containing a fraction of blood is not JW proscribed outright.
it came to my attention that the covid-19 vaccine works by editing the genetic code of the mitochondrial dna, using gene therapy.. you should seriously question the moral implications of allowing a part of your dna to be modified.
does anyone have any concerns about this?if anyone has any questions, i can do my best to explain.
i personally find it very suspicious how they chose to word it, and conveniently inform us of this fact "after" people have taken the vaccine..
I was wondering if blood is used in the manufacture of vaccines. Not that blood has to be an ingredient such as in Rabies Vaccine but when making the vaccine do they use any blood in the process? How about it TD?
simple enough question for a jw to answer, because the org has told them for over 100 years that, .
a) jesus would reign for 1000 years, and.
b) that his reign began in 1914 when he became king.
“The seventh angel blew his trumpet. And there were loud voices in heaven, saying: “The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” “—Rev 11:15
The Millennium is only part of it.
simple enough question for a jw to answer, because the org has told them for over 100 years that, .
a) jesus would reign for 1000 years, and.
b) that his reign began in 1914 when he became king.
so time as we know it would have started then.
Time is part of God, maybe.
I understand time as the length between 2 events or change. Time existed with God before the universe. There was a point in time when only the King of Eternity existed. But as the scripture pointed out God changes time and seasons inside the universe so time inside the universe doesn’t govern God but God governs time according to one interpretation of the verse, making time proscriptive whereas God is descriptive defined by his fundamental qualities and other descriptions too —maybe one of those descriptions is time too.
If it makes any sense God’s existence by himself is not idle. He is alive and active and there is a length of time between one aspect of his existence compared to another. So, I suppose it is possible to measure length of time in heaven using a physical standard counting back in time: a google to the google power years from the time God created Jesus to the time God felt something all by himself or between two other events inside God’s mind or person. As someone brilliantly posted, God experiences the same time we do differently.
No matter how you cut it though, 108 years of Satan after 1914 is not a short period of time if people are expecting change compared to one’s lifetime.
simple enough question for a jw to answer, because the org has told them for over 100 years that, .
a) jesus would reign for 1000 years, and.
b) that his reign began in 1914 when he became king.
A day is like a thousand years to God and vice versa. So, if 24 hours is like a thousand years to God but to us it is a short period of time. And if a thousand years is like 24 hours to God but to us that is a very long period of time what did Peter mean in the context of when exactly God takes action, that is to say “the last days” which although Peter under inspiration was referring to thousands of years in the future when Jesus would return in kingdom power, Peter no doubt personally concluded in error that he was referring to that contemporary period of time in his inspired letter that he was writing to his fellow Christians back then.
God did take action back then when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem as Jesus foretold. The ridiculers that didn’t flee from Judea as Jesus warned Christians to were sadly decimated by Titus whereas Christians that exercised clear thinking and ran to the hills averted God’s wrath on the Jewish nation. The letter was a prophetic warning back then and also applies to the future when the Christ actually returns when nobody expects except those that have identified the last days as the letter infers.
Obviously, John and the congregations in Revelation were still waiting for Jesus to return in the manner described in the Bible with the grand and final fulfillment and blessings of Bible prophecy which did not happen immediately after Titus razed Jerusalem. Obviously John waited and died but was convinced with the proof of visions and miracles that it would surely happen then. But other Christians lost faith while others died convinced —same as JW too also are convinced.
But getting back to the application of the scripture you cited that a thousand years or a 24 hourday is all the same to God ( interpreting and expanding on the meaning of Ps 90:4 )referring to slowness Christians were apparently experiencing, the focus shifts from God being slow implying Christian doubt: “Why is it taking God so long?”” It is about time the Scripture should be fulfilled but nothing is happening.” Peter shifts to how God feels: Although God is not affected by time, he experiences patience—imagine that. That is why it is taking so long. God is waiting for everybody to repent.
When Jesus died and paid the ransom, God could have taken action back then but he didn’t ( compare Alan F. Treatise and prior to that “Knowledge Book” on the Ransom subject ) because there are other factors, Satan’s removal from power and allowing enough time to give everybody an opportunity to repent. Human suffering continues.
Words like short and soon and quickly used prophetically in the Bible do not refer to actual length of time.