Let's get this out of the way right up front, Sheik Ahmed Yassin was a piece of human vermin, a low-life, death dealing scum bag. I personally think he got exactly what he deserved.
As that guy Newton taught us, however, every action has a reaction. And the reaction to this is going to be horrific. I can't think of a better way to inflame hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and derail the peace process than to do what Israel has done in killing this man.
Hezbollah is already shelling the Israeli-Lebanese front and the Israelis are doing air raides. The killing of this Sheik is going to result in nothing but more deaths, more murders, more suicide bombers, more bombings, more shellings -- more death.
It's time for the Israeli's and Palestinians to figure out the killing each other is not the way to bring peace to the region! This makes me so angry.