With so many children of long term JWs walking away, disfellowshipping inactives may raise concerns with some JW parental units who would otherwise happily adhere to and never question WT rules and proclaimations.
Some JW's find some comfort that their children even though not attending and have rejected the "faith", trust that their children will still have some measure of Jah's favour even if their children just do even the smallest of tasks favourable to the organization.
One couple who we know told us that they stress to their adult child who years ago walked away and was then 'living in sin', to at least attend the memorial each year so as to stay in association with the organization. They also regularly tell their 'child' to do exactly what they tell him/her to do without question, even if what they say seems unreasonable or strange as following their direction may save the childs life at armageddon.
While some are relying on technicalities with the hope that their children are saved, others have and will continue to shun their children that have walked away even if the WT says little more than what has already been said over the years.
If the WT were to do anything, I doubt they would disfellowship walkaways but instead, do similar to those JWs who accept a blood transfussion; ie: proclaim that they themselves have disassociated themselves by not attending the feast at Jehovah's table as they are rejecting to the authority of the GB who are put inplace by Jehovah to oversee his earthly organization.
I think that by claiming that inactive have disassociated themselves, the concept would likely be more accepted as the parents could feel that their child made the decision themselves. Those treating the inactive as not to be associated with would continue to do so just as they have.