Mass Disfellowshippings of Inactive Ones

by bytheirworks 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bytheirworks

    The word out of Bethel is of a mass purge the likes of the 1980's.

    There's also possible public reproofs handed out for Irregular Ones.

    The scriptures they are using to support this:

    "For, look! the very ones keeping away from you will perish. You will certainly silence every one immorally leaving you." - Psalm 73:27

    "Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God." - James 4:4

    "Salvation is far away from the wicked ones, For they have not searched for your own regulations." - Psalm 119:115

    "Now we are not the sort that shrink back to destruction" - Hebrews 10:39

    "For he that has will have more given to him; but he that does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.” - Mark 4:25

    "And it must serve as a fringed edge for YOU, and YOU must see it and remember all the commandments of Jehovah and do them, and YOU must not go about following YOUR hearts and YOUR eyes, which YOU are following in immoral intercourse." - Numbers 15:39

    There is also an illustration being prepared about the meaning of the fringed edge.

    Has anyone else heard anything about this?

  • jambon1


    Bring it.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Really??? Do you have PROOF of this?


  • Londo111

    I agree. I would like to see some evidence.

    The pendulum seems to be swinging in that direction, but will the pendulum actually reach that point before it swings the other way? If it keeps going in the direction its headed, at some point, it's going to break.

  • hamsterbait

    Which Beth hell?

    Is this not bullying? Any announcement at the Kingdumb Hell with a name attached to it will make them liable for legal action, as it affects the reputation of the person named.

    Many on this board have had announcements about them stopped dead in their tracks by threatening legal action.

    The local elders are hung out to dry if they are sued, and if the Witchtower can be shown to be behind such actions then they can be sued too. Better get those little ones giving to cover the payoffs.

    One member here, a practicing homosexual AND MS for years, (gotta give it to the holy ghost!) when a JC was formed (he had by this time a partner) simply threatened to sue and so nothing was ever done.


  • Kojack57

    Sweet bring it on. It won't be the first time I got kicked to the curb.

  • Sapphy

    I've been reading this board for almost a decade. A rumour like this pops up every 12-18 months.

  • leavingwt

    Never going to happen.

  • sir82
    Has anyone else heard anything about this?



    ...for as long as this board has been in existence, someone has posted their fears that this will happen.

    There must be literally hundreds, if not thousands, of posts expressing this same conjecture.

    It's not gonna happen.

  • minimus

    good rumor, though

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