Can anyone give us a translation of the Japanese please - Zeb
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a japanese bro.
in good standing in his congregation, exposing ttatt in his blog, boasts nearly 300,000 access per month.. he is nearly unstoppable.. shou-tan blog.
Can anyone give us a translation of the Japanese please - Zeb
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hi, everybody.. romor has it that here in japan, downloading jw application is dangerous because once.
you download it, borg will know your every activity on the internet.. is this true?.
does anybody know about that kind of thing?.
i spent couple wonderful days in napa valley and sonoma with visits to san francisco.
what hits me was the number of apathy carts in the city.
they were at powell station, embarcadero, fisherman wharf, etc.
compound complex7 hours ago
Correction: I think it was 20 cents (10 cents the copy in the '60s).
I recall, 5 cents each, 10 cents for the pair here in Canada.
please post your favorites too.
my favorite quotations:.
you cannot change what you refuse to confront.. sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.. don’t think of cost.
please post your favorites too.
my favorite quotations:.
you cannot change what you refuse to confront.. sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.. don’t think of cost.
the center for investigative journalism whose website is now called, has an entire section on stories being investigated by their staff and others on how the watchtower is handling child abuse cases.. "the jehovah’s witnesses have systematically instructed leaders to keep child sexual abuse secret from law enforcement and members of their own congregations.
please share you thoughts on this issue because i really would like to know when the governing body and their lawyers are going to properly address this issue because i can't worship in a place that allows dangerous men in, that's what they accused the catholic church of doing and now here it is that they are caught doing the same thing but have not expressed any concern for the victims.
MicaSmith welcome to the forum.
It appears you're just learning of the abuse issue within the Watchtower.
The Australian Royal Commission hearing is posted on Youtube if you wish to watch. Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson was subpoenaed to testify as were Austrarlian branch elders and lawyer. Search: Australian Royal Commission Jehovah's Wittnesses
An additional website of interest is
i had my previous toshiba laptop plugged into the wall five days ago when a sudden electric storm drove a jagged bolt of electricity earthward and fried my hard drive.
i posted my sad status on facebook.
guess who saw it?
What do you have for a Word product - Blondie
Micorosoft Office 365 is an web subscription, accessible with any device with internet access. MS keep it up-to-date. While Google also have their online word processing and spreadsheet apps, MS Office is a standard.
hello all i am fairly new to this site even though i have been da since i was 16 years old i am now 35 years old.
i have had very little contact with my family since i left maybe a handful of times over the years.
i thought i put the past behind me and moved on i have 4 amazing kids of my own really supportive partner and great friends who have become my family.
Leela, I'm sorry I didn't see your reply until now.
The phone number excuse as to why you weren't notified is obviously bogus.
As you were then speaking directly with your sister, she no longer had an excuse yet from your description, it appears she did not offer information on your father's condition but you had to ask. Further, while there is no reason to withhold, she refused to provide you with the location of the hospice where he is currently located. She/they obviously want to ensure you don't attend, whether you intended to or not. It is likely the only notice you would have received if any, is after he passed.
Since they no longer have an excuse of not knowing your phone number, perhaps it is more fitting for your mother to call you at her convenience, if she wishes to talk. The responsibility is then on her
hello all i am fairly new to this site even though i have been da since i was 16 years old i am now 35 years old.
i have had very little contact with my family since i left maybe a handful of times over the years.
i thought i put the past behind me and moved on i have 4 amazing kids of my own really supportive partner and great friends who have become my family.
I agree with steve2's comments with regard to you already having said 'Goodbye'.
Apparently, your father hasn't asked to see you before he departs and others in your past family haven't seen any reason to inform you otherwise, I expect they would have informed you directly.
It appears none have had any relationship with you and probably have never met your partner or children.
I also agree with Wasanelder Once comments about writing a note, but only if that would be beneficial for you. Even if it is not actually sent, sometimes writing down your thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic. I think seeing your father in person could stir-up emotions that were long ago put in storage.
While expressing forgiveness sounds as a great thing, if he doesn't feel bad for how things turned-out, he may not be accepting of forgiveness, especially if he thinks he hasn't done anything wrong. You could be left again reliving the emotions you had experienced 20 years ago.
I believe the desire to forgive is more of wanting to 'let go' and no longer hold things against him, having come to accept that nothing will change.
Feelings held in storage are a heavy emotional load and serve little benefit so letting go and acceptance lightens the load on you and provides a type of fresh start and outlook. That is a personal realization within yourself and does not require expressing that decision to him.
Ultimately, think about what is best for you and your immediate family.
there was/is a sister in my old hall who was a pharmaceutical sales rep and she was a huge proponent of anything in the drug industry.
when someone had a headache, she was the first to say "take an asprin.
" now my husband and i are what you might call old hippies.
What's with the cigarette thing in your avatar?
Cigarettes are not usually the symbol for a healthy lifestyle.